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24th November 2019, 07:00 AM
Re: Wives please get in touch.
Not visited the site for a while I live on the Mornington Peninsula
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25th November 2019, 05:13 AM
Re: Wives please get in touch.

Originally Posted by
Susan Scott
Not visited the site for a while I live on the Mornington Peninsula
Lovely part of the world, we often go there for a day trip.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

13th July 2021, 06:41 PM
Re: Wives please get in touch.
I think everything you suggested has now been carried out. I kind of forgot that times have changed and we are more into equal rights and so on. I suppose sometimes I am living in the past when only the wives of officers went on the voyages. So apologies if I offended anyone.
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14th July 2021, 01:19 PM
Re: Wives please get in touch.
It is interesting to read ladies so closely connected to the sea life. I wonder if there are many females enjoying the see here. I am from Italy, rialto bridge webcam. And honestly telling, I know nobody who is doing it professionally. So it would be interesting to know more of such stories. I will join this thread to follow and read more exciting things for future.
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20th October 2021, 08:29 AM
Re: Wives please get in touch abut handling your menstrual periods at sea.
Hello ladies,
Can any of you kindly help me with stories about menstruating at sea, please? I''m a historian. And I'm asking because women seafarers today are saying "How come periods are STILL not talked about?!" Topics include: fielding men's jokes about PMT; coping with irregular patterns; handling heavy flow; maintaining a supply of sanitary towels; disposing of pads (there's a few jammed toilets tales that can be told, blushingly!); being continuously on the Pill to avoid periods at all; and, relatedly, enduring miscarriages at sea. See below for an edited anecdote:
This is for a Powerpoint talk, which will be zoomed. Your stories are welcome. Get in touch privately if you like - we can zoom or email in confidence. Funny stories are fine!
You will really help others if you are prepared to educate us about how it was for you. Thank you. Jo Stanley,
1970s EXAMPLE: 'going out to join the ship our luggage got misdirected ... for 2 weeks I had only the clothes I had travelled in ... my contraceptive pills were in my missing suitcase, and so my bleeding began. It was a situation that was like those nightmares you have of public exposure, like being naked in a school exam or arriving at an airport without a passport.The chief steward was responsible for the medical locker and he let me have all the sanitary towels I needed from the locker. He handled it unemotionally; it was not a problem [to him].
22nd October 2021, 05:52 AM
Re: Wives please get in touch abut handling your menstrual periods at sea.
This is a Lady's only Forum
Thank You
Senior Site Moderator-Member and Friend of this Website
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