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23rd October 2016, 12:17 AM
Re: Sugar Boats
I wonder if 'jimmys ' , aka Jim Smith?,the originator of this thread is still alive. His name is crossed out in his thread posting # 1 ,and I think he left this site under a cloud,quite a few years ago now I imagine. I think he was also ill perhaps. He was an ex Chief Engineer or superintendent and lived in Glasgow.He was quite a knowledgeable but self-opinionated chap if I remember -mind you that's not unusual here (!),and he reminded me of many a Scottish Chief Engineer I had sailed withKilt.gif Engine.gif I bet he made the lives of the junior engineers a nightmare ! They don't make them like that anymore though ,do they?
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23rd October 2016, 09:49 AM
Re: Sugar Boats
Gulliver.Davey I think "jimmys" and Young Jim were both barred off the site around about the same time.I know that there were a couple of Jims at the time that is why I signed Jim.B.
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23rd October 2016, 10:10 AM
Re: Sugar Boats

Originally Posted by
Jim Brady
Gulliver.Davey I think "jimmys" and Young Jim were both barred off the site around about the same time.I know that there were a couple of Jims at the time that is why I signed Jim.B.
Right Jim.I feel like the sadly deceased 'Young Jim' as he was known was ex catering department and from Grange-over-Sands,Cumbria. Strangely enough,like chief engineer Glaswegian 'jimmy s' I do think he was also called Jim Smith, .We certainly had a few entertaining ding-dongs on site with him as well. He was a very good friend of Tiger 1 (Jean) if I remember correctly.
These we have loved...
To me you will always be recalled as 'Liverpool Jim' in my mind.
Best Regards
Davey Gulliver
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25th October 2016, 02:06 AM
Re: Sugar Boats

Originally Posted by
Right Jim.I feel like the sadly deceased 'Young Jim' as he was known was ex catering department and from Grange-over-Sands,Cumbria. Strangely enough,like chief engineer Glaswegian 'jimmy s' I do think he was also called Jim Smith, .We certainly had a few entertaining ding-dongs on site with him as well. He was a very good friend of Tiger 1 (Jean) if I remember correctly.
These we have loved...
To me you will always be recalled as 'Liverpool Jim' in my mind.
Best Regards
Davey Gulliver
If I remember rightly 'jimmy s' the Ch/Eng. was ex. Blue Funnel.
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N/A thanked for this post
7th July 2024, 05:34 AM
Re: Sugar Boats
was on board April 76 - July 76, called into Savannah la mar and Ochre Rios, we had a fire in the engine room and prepared to abandon ship but eventually cancelled the call. Had just arrived back to the ship and while waiting for someone to drop the gangway one of the engine mob decide to try and jump on and missed we fished him our. He later went on duty and unsure what occurred but he set the alarms ringing, I eventually signed off on return as i was transferred to hospital on arrival at T&L quay due to the mates wife lancing a boil on my nose a few days out but got a secondary infection, ended up spending 10 days in hospital in a tropical disease ward
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7th July 2024, 01:56 PM
Re: Sugar Boats
Hello all.
I worked by, for a few days on the "Crystal Crown" at Silvertown in July 1968. I had intended to sign on for the next trip, but I heard quite a few stories during those few days that
there was always crew trouble because of the easy access to rum. I decided against doing the trip but I have often wondered if it was the right decision
I do still like my drop of rum though.
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7th July 2024, 05:07 PM
Re: Sugar Boats
Sailed on the Crystal Sapphire in 1973,rough and ready old ship but a good crew.
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