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17th November 2016, 04:08 PM
School of Navigation - Plymouth
My name is Stuart Cullum and I attended Plymouth as a Deck Apprentice employed by Shell Tankers (UK), for my Phase 1 from September 1967 to March 1968 and for Phase 3 from September 1969 to March 1970.
Phil Purdie, Matt Beddow, Stuart Harper, Chris Cowell, Stuart Trought and myself are in touch and meet for a beer and catch up, and would like to reconnect with anyone else who was around at the time.
Get in touch through the site
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 19th February 2017 at 08:09 PM.
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19th February 2017, 07:59 PM
Re: School of Navigation - Plymouth
[QUOTE=Stuart Cullum;245404]
My name is Stuart Cullum
Get in touch through the site
Roger Sanders here I remember some of those names from 66-68,I was an engineering cadet with B&C and am still in touch with Andy Roots,Jan Colbe,Owen Waters and Bob Marshall, unfortunately Steve Hobbs who was the other guy in our 'cabin' in Portland Square passed away after a motorcycle accident over 20 years ago. I remember Stuart Harper from North Road hostel with Bill Currie as warden.
Stayed deep sea until 1974 when I left and worked for British Rail in Holyhead for two years and then met an air stewardess in my local who I married in 1985. Now living in a small village near Brighton and running my own engineering company making powder processing equipment. Those 8/10 years in the MN were probably the best of my life until my son came along in 1994.
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 19th February 2017 at 08:06 PM.
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19th February 2017, 08:08 PM
Re: School of Navigation - Plymouth
Stuart your security I have deleted your private Email ,anyone who wishes to contact you can do so as you ask through the site Email or Private Message
Doc Vernon
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 19th February 2017 at 08:09 PM.
Senior Site Moderator-Member and Friend of this Website
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8th March 2017, 02:06 PM
Re: School of Navigation - Plymouth
Gerry Smith known as Paddy was at Plymouth as a DC with Shell orientation in September 74 then back in in 76 and 78 only name I can remember was Dave Warburton
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29th March 2017, 12:20 PM
Re: School of Navigation - Plymouth
roger sanders here I was away in SA for a month and checked the site, how can I help
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30th May 2017, 09:46 PM
Re: School of Navigation - Plymouth
I was with Reardon Smith and attended Plymouth for MCRC starting January 1970. I started my apprenticeship just before the introduction of the phase training and in fact once I had left plymouth I only had 10 days sea time left. I spent the first term ant Murrayfield House and the next at Standard House. They would not let us plebs stay at the new school accommodation (joke).
I met Stuart Trought later (mid 80's) when he was working in Sharjah and I was working for International Paint, living in Dubai
If you are in touch with him please which him well and give him my regards,
Martyn Hammond
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20th April 2019, 03:27 AM
Re: School of Navigation - Plymouth

Originally Posted by
Martyn Hammond
I was with Reardon Smith and attended Plymouth for MCRC starting January 1970. I started my apprenticeship just before the introduction of the phase training and in fact once I had left plymouth I only had 10 days sea time left. I spent the first term ant Murrayfield House and the next at Standard House. They would not let us plebs stay at the new school accommodation (joke).
I met Stuart Trought later (mid 80's) when he was working in Sharjah and I was working for International Paint, living in Dubai
If you are in touch with him please which him well and give him my regards,
Martyn Hammond
Hi Martyn: I remember you from (I think) Merrifield Hall (1970?). You were tall and skinny, with a Cockney accent (like me. Even though I was born outside the sound of the bells of St. Mary-le-Bow). I was with Shell, and was classmates with Chris Savage, Ben Cook, Pete Gill, Keith Loffstadt, Ben Cook, Andy Shenton. There was another Reardon Smith cadet there. His name was Chris Goddard, who had a Welsh accent. Stuart Trought retired to Jersey. I stayed with Shell till 1975, but by then I could see that the writing was on the wall, and I resigned and went offshore North Sea with Offshore Marine Ltd. After passing MM, I was offered command of a new-build PSV in Canada and have been here ever since. For the last 29 years I have been with Transport Canada Marine Safety (all-same MCA). Best wishes, Alan Knight
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1st May 2019, 03:52 PM
Re: School of Navigation - Plymouth
Hello Alan,
I only just found your response, Plymouth wasn’t too bad. Are you still working and are you in Canada.
I left the sea in (also) 1975 and worked overseas for International Paint for 20 years ending up in the USA.
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4th March 2020, 09:20 PM
1970 PLYMOUTH Engineer Cadet Intake 50th Reunion
In September we are holding a 50th Reunion in Plymouth for those who started out as Engineer Cadets in Plymouth in 1970.
Thanks to the power of the internet we are now up to about 25 from about 70 that started, hardly any of us have met since leaving college in 1972 so this is very much a one off occasion.
We were hoping Bill Currie would join us however having spoken with him he is now very frail but I am planning to meet up with him as he now lives nearby in Southampton.
If there is anyone out there was from Class of 1970 and would like to join us then please get in touch - also if anyone has any leads we can follow to find colleagues from that year would also be pleased to hear from you.
Jim Halligan
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26th January 2021, 02:06 AM
Re: School of Navigation - Plymouth

Originally Posted by
Martyn Hammond
Hello Alan,
I only just found your response, Plymouth wasn’t too bad. Are you still working and are you in Canada.
I left the sea in (also) 1975 and worked overseas for International Paint for 20 years ending up in the USA.
Hi Martin: I am still working for Transport Canada Marine Safety: COVID makes travel difficult and inconvenient, so I have carried on in Port State Control. It never gets boring in a major Port of Refuge, and I have lost count of the number of "Brown envelopes" which I have been offered by worried Superintendents. I would love to know how much was in the envelopes. When i inspected one of our "old dogs", I noticed that they never ran #2 Generator. I told the Superintendent to start it and put it "on the board". He said "Chief, put #2 Generator on the board". The C/E said "Second; put #2 Generator on the board!". The Second said "Third; put #2 Generator on the board!"
The Third said "Electrician, put #2 on the board!". The Electrician looked like he had just been sentenced to death. He would have been, had he closed the breaker!
I told him to stand away from the breaker, and phoned our Lecky. He took a thermal camera to the switchboard, and added another detainable Deficiency. Then we started the underwater hull survey......I hope to tell you the rest over a beer sometime..
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