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Thread: The navy's newest ship

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    Default Re: The navy's newest ship

    Sadly the Royal Navy and no doubt other Navies around the globe have a history of building ships of Poor quality , Design and maintenance intensive.
    Recent examples for the RN has to be the 2 very expensive Aircraft carriers, Type 45 destroyers.
    The US navy has a class of ships Littoral combat fleet that fall apart if the sea state is greater than 8'.
    Since its commissioning in 2018, the littoral combat ship Omaha has developed cracks in its hull and superstructure that limit the speed it can travel and the sea states it can operate in. Internal records obtained by Navy Times show such crack risks extend throughout the fleet of Independence-class LCS. (Navy)

    Spanish Navy built ships are also structurially unsound because of poor quality steels.

    The recently placed order for Royal Navy support ships has been changed so as not to use Spanish grade steels in there construction?
    If I was involved in contruction of Naval vessels think I may be inclined to tell the Admirality to come back to the yard and then put the weapons systems in.
    There does seem to be something lacking with Admiralty Naval Architecture especially when you consider the £billions spent to get it wrong, be it hull construction or marine engines /power generation plant.
    Yes a lot of commercial vessels end up having problems but at least they do not cost £billions to build.
    PS: Fergusons ship yard being the exception that is, would not be inclined to let them build a rowing boat.
    Last edited by James Curry; 6th April 2023 at 03:11 PM.

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