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Thread: Uploading photos

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Maidstone Kent
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    Default Uploading photos

    Here is the procedure for uploading your photos to the Gallery.

    At the top headings you will see the wording GALLERY-click on this.
    In the top area on the second line you will see the wording UPLOAD PHOTOS-click on this.
    Run the cursor down and you will see the wording PERSONEL ALBUM INDEX-go to CHOOSE A FILE.this will bring up the area where you have saved your photos on your computor.
    Click on the picture you want to upload,this will highlight it and then click OPEN/SUBMIT,this will show your picture on site.
    At the right hand side ,you will see a box with USER OPTIONS,click on EDIT PHOTO,then click on the "v",this will show all the categories in the Gallery.
    Run the cursor to the top where you will find the Category NEW PHOTOS click on the NEW PHOTOS,this will then put the photo in the correct place for Moderating.


    Here is the procedure for uploading your photos to a personel album.

    At the top headings you will see the wording GALLERY-click on this.
    In the top area on the second line you will see the wording UPLOAD PHOTOS-click on this.
    Run the cursor down and you will see the wording PERSONEL ALBUM INDEX-go to CHOOSE A FILE.this will bring up the area where you have saved your photos on your computor.
    Click on the picture you want to upload,this will highlight it and then click OPEN/SUBMIT,this will show your picture on site.
    At the top of the picture it should show PERSONEL ALBUM INDEX with your name next to it.
    Continue like this until you have uploaded all your photos.

    Last edited by Mike Hall; 11th July 2020 at 04:10 PM.
    Gallery Manager and Friend of the Website

    R 693816

    Please visit the Gallery to see the latest photos

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