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23rd March 2023, 04:37 PM
Nice retirement present for yourself
I see the following RN vessel is available on eBay , bit beyond my pocket,
- - - Updated - - -
A better view of what you would be buying
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23rd March 2023, 04:55 PM
Re: Nice retirement present for yourself

Originally Posted by
Keith Tindell
I see the following RN vessel is available on eBay , bit beyond my pocket,
Soon get your money back if you join the cross-channel-ferry service
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24th March 2023, 04:25 AM
Re: Nice retirement present for yourself
With that kind of speed maybe become a drug runner!!

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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25th March 2023, 12:24 AM
Re: Nice retirement present for yourself
My thoughts as well John, after the war they sold Motor torpedo boats that had two rolls Royce engines, the customs couldn't catch them when smuggling mainly cigarettes, I believe they later took out one engine before the sales. These days they will be able to follow the Vapours trails the new cigarettes leave LoL.
Lest We Forget
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