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19th October 2010, 06:56 AM
I was privilaged to pick her up at Vegesack, Germany and sail on her Maiden Voyage which lasted 6 months.
She was magnificent - The skipper was Capt Mullings - Chartered to United Fruit Co of Boston. We did the East & West Coasts of US also all the Pacific & Gulf ports Central American - Golfito, San Jose, Cortes, Barrios, Belize etc
If anyone sailed on her & enjoyed it as much as I did please contact me.
Graham Glover. R/O Maiden Voyage.
See also sts Sulaco
Last edited by Graham Glover; 19th October 2010 at 07:58 AM.
Reason: To include Radio Call Sign
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19th October 2010, 07:06 AM
Nice one too!
Another nice looking Ship Graham!
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Last edited by Mike Hall; 14th June 2016 at 03:53 PM.
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9th April 2011, 02:26 PM
Hi Graham, I also sailed on that voyage as Chief Refridg Engineer.
longest trip I had done up to then
I sailed on hre as chief refridge engineer if I remember correctly we had two chief engineers and an other fridge it was in case of teething troubles with turbines and fridge equipment,do you remember.

Originally Posted by
Graham Glover
I was privilaged to pick her up at Vegesack, Germany and sail on her Maiden Voyage which lasted 6 months.
She was magnificent - The skipper was Capt Mullings - Chartered to United Fruit Co of Boston. We did the East & West Coasts of US also all the Pacific & Gulf ports Central American - Golfito, San Jose, Cortes, Barrios, Belize etc
If anyone sailed on her & enjoyed it as much as I did please contact me.
Graham Glover. R/O Maiden Voyage.
See also sts Sulaco
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29th May 2011, 09:55 AM
Tucurinca 74
I joined the Tucurinca on the Tyne, just before Christmas 73 and spent 6 months on her. I was deck cadet there. We had a great time. She did the E and W coasts of the US and New Orleans and 2 Atlantic summer crossings to the Med. I can still remember the weather!
Captain Thomas was Master. We had a Geordie crew first off, then we had a Southampton crowd for a couple of months.I paid off in Naples and could have stayed there happily for a bit longer! The R/O was a Middlesborough lad, Brian O'Key.
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19th October 2011, 05:17 PM
SS Tucurinca
You should have stayed on Doug.
I joined her in Naples I was a JOS, as you flew home. The next seven months where the best time of my life. I'd really love to meet that bunch of lads again. Shep Plane, Gordon, Keith Tatty man from Plymouth, Mick Donavan, Kelvin Pepworth, Jimmy Murray.
I recently met Michael Knowles my very good friend, he was a fireman. Unfortunately he has since passed on.
anyone on the Tucurinca in 74 please get in touch.
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14th June 2016, 08:58 AM
Re: Tucurinca 74
Hi Doug,
I found your name on this web site – I came to the IW on holiday once and thought it would be easy to look your name up in the phone book, I could not believe how many D Smiths are in the IW phone book.
Last time we met you phoned me and I put you up when you paid off one of the sand boats in Poole.
I hope you get this e-mail – it has been half a life time since we last spoke – E-mail me back or give us a call.
The Tucurinca was my first ship after finishing my shore side apprenticeship Sept 74 - the only person i remember the name of is Ron Kirby Eng Cadet- I think he went on to be Ch Eng and then went into teaching in Liverpool.
I have worked for the last 32 year as an maintenance engineering manager for a company in Bournemouth.
Regards Steve Notley - 07887 632523
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14th June 2016, 09:35 AM
['Does anyone else get that sense of losing a close friend when you see that "Broken up at ...wherever"?
Or is it just that I am getting old and nostalgic'
QUOTE from Bryan Wilson on another thread ]
Sorry Bryan here's another old British favourite who met her end in the world's # 1 razor-blade city.
s.s.TUCURINCA (ON 302888) Refrig.Cargo vessel,6,298 deadweight tons, steam turbine 17,5k.Completed 2/62 as Yard No.890 at Bremer Vulkan,Vegesack. Owners Surrey Shipping,London.
1977 To Honduras Flag,registered in Puerto Cortes.
1/80 Broken up Kaohsiung,Taiwan.
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28th July 2016, 09:38 AM
My second trip with Fyffes was on the wonderful Tucurinca in 1968. Sailed on her again twice, plus the Tilapa, Turrialba and Telde. Stayed with the company until it's demise (1984) then worked in the London office when it was only ship management until 1986.
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25th September 2016, 11:32 AM
i'm pretty sure i sailed with earnest martin our esteemed purser who was famed throughout fyffes.i actually sailed with him on, numerous occasions geoff legg chief officer
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21st October 2024, 03:15 AM
Re: Tucurinca 74
Hello Steve
Brian O’Key here. I was her RO
Were you the Electrician and weren’t you one of the lads who came up to Middlesbrough one news years eve, about 5 of us
Cheers Brian
- - - Updated - - -
Hello again Doug.
Just saw this site, many a fond memories of our time on the Tucurinca
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