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Thread: Words of Wisdom

  1. #1
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    Default Words of Wisdom

    1960s - Oil gone in 10 years.
    1970s - Another Ice Age In 10 years.
    1980s - Acid rain will destroy all crops in 10 years.
    1990s - Ozone layer will be destroyed in 10 years
    2000s - The ice caps will e gone on 10 years.
    None Happened , but all resulted in more taxes.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Words of Wisdom

    We live in a world where your kid cannot pretend to be an Indian. But a grown man can pretend to be a woman.

    We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people wont be offended.

    You cannot raise your children the way your parents raised you. Because your parents raised you for a world that no longer exists.

    Cancelling student debt is the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard. Rewarding people who do not honour their financial commitments by taxing the people who do is WRONG this is vote buying at its worst .

    You are being told to lower your AC usage on hot days to prevent overwhelming the existing electric grid while simultaneously being told to trade in your petrol cars for electric vehicles.

    History is not there for you to like or dislike , it is there for you to learn from it . And if it offends you, even better.
    Because then you are less likely to repeat it. It’s not yours to erase. It belongs to all of us.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Words of Wisdom

    Get some roosters for eggs and raise some bulls for milk ….. .

    then you will see that gender matters. Especially at milking time.

    Being white doesn't make you a racist and being black doesn't make you a slave.

    Being an idiot however comes in both colours.

    Why don't the 99% of us who aren't offended by everything

    quit catering to the 1% who are.

    Stop feeling so entitled!

    All you deserve is life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


    Free tuition

    Free healthcare

    Free abortions

    Free housing

    Free bla, bla, bla

    There is no such thing my little snowflake.

    Someone is paying for it and it is never a politician.

    You deserve

    Life (enjoy)

    Liberty (preserve it)

    Pursuit of happiness (WORK for it).

    Maybe I was raised wrong, but I was taught if you wanted something you worked for it.

    I see people my age out there climbing mountains and zip lining and here I am feeling good about myself because I got my leg through my undies without losing my balance.

    Race matters only to racists. The rest of us care about character.

    All these men bitching about wearing a face mask .... try wearing a bra in summer.

    We are living in a generation that would unplug your life support, just to charge their mobile phone.

    Being twenty in the seventies was much more fun than being seventy in the twenties.
    Happy daze John in Oz.

    Life is too short to blend in.

    John Strange R737787
    World Traveller

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