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27th January 2019, 03:25 AM
Re: Hadley Shipping Company

Originally Posted by
Richard Harding
JS. If l were you, l would leave the App.document on the wall, you might not be able to get it back together again!! Ha Ha, regarding your Burlap waistcoat, l bet you all looked great. RICHARD
PS Hope you weren,t expected to wear them went you went ashore, even though they obviously must have been the height of fashion at the time.
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27th January 2019, 03:55 AM
Re: Hadley Shipping Company
PPS. One more query l have - were these bespoke waistcoats a single use garment, then disposed of, or were they directed to Charlie Chan, the Chinese laundryman to put into his machine for a quick whirl, together with the officers "whites", for re-use by the apprentices at a future date ?
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27th January 2019, 04:08 AM
Re: Hadley Shipping Company
#41... Ivan who used to contribute to this site with some good memories of life on the ocean wave. Had an infallible way of dressing for going ashore, he used to get all his wardrobe from the rag bag. Probablyif he went ashore with another apprentice the same way inclined , went down the gangway singing Rogers and Hammersteins “ we”re a couple of swells “ , going ashore like that didn’t matter if you fell over , would still get up smelling of whatever you smelt of before. “ poor”. #42.. went probably back to their original use as the apprentices wardrobe. Cheers JS
Last edited by j.sabourn; 27th January 2019 at 04:11 AM.
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27th January 2019, 11:20 AM
Re: Hadley Shipping Company
Richard i am so sorry you are correct in saying Barry was a tanker graveyard, i must have been dreaming of far distant places. There was for a time a few old BP tankers late 50s laid up but went for Breaking in the end. In the early 60s there were a few Bird Class BP tankers laid up, but went to new owners or back into service. On the buoys were three cargo ships and a BP tanker (loaded) all went back into service. Sorry about that Cheers for now AJ
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9th August 2019, 11:19 AM
Re: Hadley Shipping Company
Hi Richard Still waiting for that Cerinthus Crew list, lol
Regards AJ
17th November 2019, 03:21 PM
Re: Hadley Shipping Company
I sailed on the Clydesdale. It was her maiden voyage out of Greenock. It was a memorable one at that. Had a collision up the mississippi.Weather routed back to Rotterdam for repairs.I paid off there
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18th February 2024, 08:14 PM
Re: Hadley Shipping Company
Wishing you fair winds and smooth seas on all your journeys!
18th February 2024, 08:35 PM
Re: Hadley Shipping Company
Even though it's been a while since your post about the CERINTHUS 1963, I couldn't help but be intrigued by your maritime adventures. While I haven't sailed on that particular vessel, hearing about your experiences must have been quite fascinating. If you ever find yourself in need of shipping services again, whether it's for maritime endeavors or something else entirely, you might want to consider A-1 Auto Transport. They've established themselves as a reliable option over the years and could be worth checking out for your future shipping needs.
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