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29th May 2010, 02:08 PM
Northern Star, Windsor Castle, Pendennis Castle and S.A. VAAL
Hi all, served on the above ships between 1968 and 1972. Stewards Boy, A/S, PRS, and BRS.
Now a resident of Brisbane, Australia.
All the best,
Ian Whyte.
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29th May 2010, 02:52 PM
Ancient Mariner!
Joined a few days ago and after reading some of the posts I've started feeling like the ANCIENT MARINER!!
I sailed with UCL, Shaw Saville, NZSC, Orient Line, Safmarine,etc. If you read my profile, or whatever they call it, you'll find all the ships I sailed on and when.
I don't know if you've had any success locating old ship mates but so far I've struck out. Maybe because I'm looking for the dead and the dying!

I've got an old shipmate who has lived in Brisbane for over thirty years now, somewhere near a place called Cleveland I think. I only found that out about three years ago. We shipped out together on the Orion, Oronsay and the Orcades in 57/58/. We had some great days/nights in Oz. Haven't been back there since 83 on a Safmarine ship.
Have a nice day and happy hunting.
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30th May 2010, 01:33 PM
Hi Jim,
Thanks for your post. Only joined this site yesterday so not really got the hang of it yet. Cleveland eh? about 45 minutes away from me, my daughter lives over that way at Alexandra Hills, Cleveland is by the sea and a nice part of Queensland, not too far from Brisbane.
Looks like you lasted longer at sea than me, I only did 4 years, met my first wife who used to work for Shaw Savill in their office in London, we got married and the rest, as they say is history. Have been in Oz now since 1973, have just retired after doing 36 years in the Police here, quite a transformation from being a steward to being a copper but hey, you have to earn a living. regards,
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23rd August 2010, 03:05 PM
S.A. Vaal
Hi, i am Robbie Kaye ,iserved aboard the S.A. Vaal from 1964 to 1968, give me a "ping" regards Robbie Kaye.
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29th August 2010, 07:36 PM
Sugar Line
I served on several Tate Boats from 1974, Importer, Producer, Transporter, Refiner, Trader. Best shipping Company I had the pleasure to work with. Frank Gillard was my fathering law.
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21st April 2011, 09:16 AM
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12th June 2011, 01:41 PM
On S A VALL 1965- 1968 saloon boy . on her when stewardess jumped overboarde in P E .stratford jones on board ...vincent price captin lloyed got loads of pics ,,,ships boxing
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16th June 2011, 02:08 AM
My dad bob pyle was on the northern star x
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18th July 2011, 02:36 PM
I was on the pendennis 1974 to 1976 . catering steward and bar man mark walsley was the head waiter and ian perry was second steward some names i remember roger isby waiter nutter ..tim rice jimmy duffy , tommy clark . let me know if you have some memories of this gang thanks Gwyn /Taffy lewis
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19th September 2011, 10:38 PM
pendennis castle
i remember all the mentioned names very well lol.also taffy john the peak stwd.sam the crew barman.stevie boyland .waiter.oh and by the way gwyn i am steve taffy todd prs and winger
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