The wealth of a country can be measured by calculating its gross domestic product ( GDP )-minus the total market value of the goods and services it produces during a year. The ten biggest economies, measured by GDP , control most of the worlds trade, making them wealthier than other nations. Organisations such as the world bank and united nations move capital in the form of loans or aid from rich to poor countries in an effort to raise global standards of living.
the distribution of wealth
Canada GDP $ 638 Billion
USA $ 9178 Billion
Brazil $ 519 Billion
UK $ 1463 Billion
Spain $ 588 Billion
France $ 1445 Billion
Italy $ 1176 Billion
Germany $ 2149 Billion
Russia $ 190 Billion
S. Korea $ 395 Billion
Japan $ 4368 Billion
China $ 994 Billion
Australia $ 390 Billion
India $ 468 Billion

Please note Russia"s GDP , how much can one hurt them ?
