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2nd October 2014, 08:59 PM
Another bit of old interest
This is another bit of old interest sent to me by George in Southampton!
Amazing how we lived in those days gone by!
Thanks George!
Worth a look I am sure!
Watch the Video in the Link as well please!
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 2nd October 2014 at 09:29 PM.
Senior Site Moderator-Member and Friend of this Website
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3rd October 2014, 07:27 AM
Re: Another bit of old interest
Some harrowing pictures there and sadly there are still some areas like that. There were some terrible landlords in those days including some councils. It is har to understand how an affluent country such as UK can fall to such low standards. It goes to show that poverty is not restricted to third world countries.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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3rd October 2014, 08:07 AM
Re: Another bit of old interest
[QUOTE=happy daze john in oz;182512] It is hard to understand how an affluent country such as UK can fall to such low standards.
It happens John, because succesive governments of all persuasions give away our taxes to help countries that have larger armies than us, have space programmes, more industrial growth, etc etc They have never heard of 'Charity begins at home'
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4th October 2014, 06:47 AM
Re: Another bit of old interest
#3, you are right, and I for one can never understand why we give so much away. It is all well and good to help those in trouble but surely to be able to do so you must first get your own house in order!

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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4th October 2014, 08:30 AM
Re: Another bit of old interest
#2 & #3.
Personaly I think its because whichever government is in power when they give away all this money, they never think that its our money, yours and mine I mean (Tax's) and they certainly would never give any of their personal money away, you only hve to look at the expences they claim for, again our money. Now their latest wheeze is to stop you and I knowing the names of the ones who are cheating the system claiming it would hurt their feelings if they were ousted as being cheats, surely the expences they claim are benifits so if they want to clean up the benifits system they should start at home and have a good look at themselves first.
It will never happen
John Albert Evans
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