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24th October 2022, 06:47 AM
Re: Job opportunity
No Boris I hear, so the other guy will most likely get it.
But where to now?
It matters not who is in, or which side o the fence they sit, all will have the same problems.
Currently the world is in a mess, prices rampant, governments incompetent, wages stagnant, unemployment at record lows and Cappy still owes 3/9 so what hope do we have?
Many long years passed there was in the court of the monarch a jester to keep him amused, who will be the next one in Whitehall?
Last edited by happy daze john in oz; 24th October 2022 at 06:48 AM.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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24th October 2022, 09:55 AM
Re: Job opportunity
John you mention the Court Jester, as you say Boris has pulled out 
I wonder what other job a CEO (Liz Truss) costs the company(UK/HMG) £100 billion in a week and she gets a golden handshake of £115,000 a year for life.
Let's hope the new PM can get the country back on track.
Last edited by James Curry; 24th October 2022 at 09:56 AM.
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24th October 2022, 08:23 PM
Re: Job opportunity
Boris lost his Bottle ! LOL
Thats all from me on this !!
Senior Site Moderator-Member and Friend of this Website
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24th October 2022, 10:22 PM
Re: Job opportunity
Well Boris,Hasta la vista, ah well let's hope it will not be to soon.
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25th October 2022, 06:34 AM
Re: Job opportunity
Well now you have one of the richest men as PM, and the youngest in over 200 years!!
He looks good and has a nice smile, what more could the public want?
I just hope he has some sensible answers to the problems of UK 'cos without them you is in big doo doo!!

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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28th October 2022, 09:39 AM
Re: Job opportunity
Politics is like.............
28th October 2022, 11:12 AM
Re: Job opportunity
John 25, he will do a better job than the last one whatever. I think all the major countries in the world are going to tighten their belts, it started with Covid, all the money that incurred dealing with that , has to be paid back, and then of course there is the war. Just heard from my brother in law from Brisbane, your electricity prices are going to rise 56% over the next two years, that despite your exports of Gas and coal, big changes for all. Here the gas prices are falling, they don't seem as volatile as electricity, but we are all in for a tough time i feel.
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28th October 2022, 11:35 AM
Re: Job opportunity
Years ago it was the boast of some countries and I remember my Scottish grandfather boasting that Scotland was self supporting. We believed these false premises . The world apparently is dependent on others to a greater or lesser extent for survival. Have we all lived under false beliefs ? Australia should by rights be self sufficient it has all the mineral and farming wealth needed , just lack of general laziness it appears on behalf of previous governments on failing to exploit the manufacturing of the end product. The world apparently revolves around money for a very small percentage of the worlds population. JS
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28th October 2022, 11:48 AM
Re: Job opportunity
I do believe the world now is a much smaller world than the one we all knew, 6 weeks or so to Oz, now 18hrs direct flight, we all depend on one another, and unless we stick together we are all on our way out. take the present situation, with Putin, its only the Yanks that is really keeping him from kicking off big time, we and the EU are just small items. So the EU members not putting in the pot what they are supposed to put in to NATO, better put their short hands in their deep pockets, and cough up. kt
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29th October 2022, 06:53 AM
Re: Job opportunity
The global village is shrinking fast.
No longer ae we on our own.
But greed is the main factor that drives it all.
Men like Musk, not satisfied with what they have just want more.
Like an addiction to them.
Here in Oz we could be self sufficient but we need to export or our goods would be worth very little.
Pices will rise for both gas and electricity but by how much is only media hype just now.
The power company i use has just come out with new rates, last account I paid less than for same time and use last year, a 28% discount for paying by direct debit and winter concession brought it down.
The treasurer is telling us prices of power will rise due to various global problems, war in Ukraine being the biggest for all of us.
At the same time the minister for renewable energy tells us power will be very cheap. in the last Labor gov he was the minister for aged care!!!!
Latest news on renewables, Off shore wind farms cost twice as much as shore based ones.
Combination of extra fitting costs and salt water corrosion.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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