Salted dried cod (Bacalhau) costs a fortune, Portugal 1 Kg CODFISH SALTED Dry Dried Bacalhau Portuguese 35.27 Oz - 2.20 Lbs.
Item(s) total £33.64
Delivery £13.83
(To United Kingdom)
Tax * £9.49
Total (1 item)
That is from an online company , you can even pay for it on tic , 3 monthly payments £18.98.
Think I will give it a miss.
About a year ago I spotted it in the freezer section in Lidl it was priced at £2.90 a Kg. I bought a few. Wife looked at me as if I was not right in the head.
What you going to do with that? easy just soak it for a day or so change the water a few times and just made a fish stew out of it. Next time I was back in Lidl I went to see if there was any left, loads but obviously someone got a rocket, new price 22.90 a Kg
Sailed with Cape Verde crews they certainly knew how to cook salted cod.