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15th June 2020, 07:58 AM
Re: Passports
When it used to say UK passports only for the Immigration I used to show the British one and also state I had an Australia one also , this never perturbed any immigration officer as long as it was declared, think it is also on your landing form to declare if you wish, however some of the immigration paperwork is now done on a machine supposedly to make it quicker. Don’t think my passports were every geared up for that, or if they were never bothered , the same as I don’t bother in the super market , would rather deal with a cashier , especially if she’s a looker , who wants to talk to a machine. Cheers JS
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15th June 2020, 08:03 AM
Re: Passports
I see no problem with dual passports, but some years ago we had the discussion on here, if you emigrate to another country you are entitled to vote in the UK general elections for a period of 15 years. My brother in law emigrated to OZ and was annoyed that by the time his voting card had arrived it was too long in time to post back, so i told him i thought it was wrong for him to have a vote having emigrated. I can see that Brits on long contracts abroad have to be allowed to vote here, but not once you have committed to another country, kt
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15th June 2020, 09:05 AM
Re: Passports
I’ve never had any opportunity to vote in any uk elections since I emigrated from the Uk. The only one if any if had of had the chance would have been the EU one in any case , for the first 4 years out here didn’t even have any tax allowances and was heavily taxed. Until got a tax file number. As regards emigrating to Australia , contrary to popular belief unless you are an illegal immigrant is very hard to get in to. So may it remain so. After the shock to the system of the jobs for Australians first, I see the sensible attitude that it was , as for the maritime world I see how poor it now is compared to its years up to 2002. Thee is only one good thing and that is when you touch bottom the only way then is up .JS
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15th June 2020, 05:28 PM
Re: Passports
Originally Posted by
John every time I have been back to uk have landed on British passport after leaving Oz on the ozzy one.Have never been pulled up. It must be you don’t look honest you may have got my old title of suspected train robber. JS
I believe that you can now use the same passport lanes as the British and EU citizens with your Australian passport.
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15th June 2020, 05:37 PM
Re: Passports
When you apply for citizen in the US. You must send back to your country of origin, and city, to your former police office and have them send a report on any possible or not record you may or may not have. You have to send finger prints too.
Next you have to attend a citizenship class, about once a week for six weeks, on US. Government and history.
I couldn't do the class work, because of erratic working hours, so I elected to take a home study course. U.S. Government from the University of California at Berkley.
I was determined to graduate the course, which took me two months as it was a semester course, with straight A grades. Which I was doing, right until I came down to a near final test. Throughout the course it was impressed upon the student about the importance it was for a citizen to vote. And then I came to question in the quiz, that was so simple and so obvious what the correct answer was:
The most important right a citizen has is the right to vote. True... of False... (tick correct answer)
You just know the expected answer is True.
But I didn't. So I ticked false and added an explanation.
I told them that Russia, China and many similar countries have the right to vote (this was in the 60s, the height of the cold war). In my opinion the having a choice of parties, and a selection of candidates to vote for without incrimination is a more important right.
I got a response from the Dean of Government that he agreed with my response and future question will be rephrased and more emphasis will be placed on choice.
I got straight A all the way through.
I got nothing extra just personal satisfaction.
My first wife just copied my answers, except she ticked true to that question and still got an A too.
Oh! My eldest son was five and was born in Canada and he must have got an A too as he got his citizenship along with us.
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15th June 2020, 10:15 PM
Re: Passports
#15. Rodney one of our neighbours , her white Anglo Saxon English brother of the lady , was coming out here with his family. He failed the English language test. So never bothered again. And yet I see many in Australia struggling to put two words together. Makes you have doubts about our political masters. Anyhow one of whom will probably be going to Gaol for political fraud sometime this year hopefully. Well done Victoria hope the police get a conviction , a proper one that is. JS
Last edited by j.sabourn; 15th June 2020 at 10:16 PM.
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16th June 2020, 05:36 AM
Re: Passports
How to get into trouble with a passport. When we lived in NZ we never got around to being naturalized Kiwi's, so when we left for Aus we updated our British passports, only thing is I had the two kids on mine, the British High Commission in Wellington sent my wife's back, but asked me for a new photo, as we were going that day we hurriedly got one and sent it to them plus the address we were going to in Sydney. So we landed in Sydney me with no passport, after explaining to immigration, they said how do we know who you are, I showed them my discharge book, they said Oh! that's OK then. An aftermath of that is, we all got Aus citizenship in Aus except our son, who having married an Aussie girl didn't bother, now he is on his own he is having to jump through hoops, and having one's own hell of a job getting his citizenship.
Lest We Forget
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16th June 2020, 06:15 AM
Re: Passports
Des I’ve only been out here a dog watch compared with you and others . But the thing very noticeable nearly 30 years ago when visiting other people whose background was mainly mid European , was their citizenship papers framed and banging on the wall. These were the true refugees which the UN was referring to when making out their laws , which today should have been thrown in the bin a long time ago , the word refugee bears little reference to the old real meaning of the Cheers JS
Last edited by j.sabourn; 16th June 2020 at 06:16 AM.
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16th June 2020, 07:14 AM
Re: Passports
We have been here some 40 years now and took out citizen ship after three years, it was allowed then.
My brother, a sparkie so a required skill came out with his family in 2005.
But I had to sponsor him, not sure how it is now but then you had to have a sponsor, family of potential employer and he had to pay a $10,000 bond which he got back after 1 year.
He had top go for a six week night school course to come up to date with our regulations regarding electricity industry.
He is now a fully fledged Aussie with an Oz passport, but no wife, she kicked him into touch about 10 years ago.
Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller
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17th June 2020, 04:26 AM
Re: Passports
#21.. Probably burnt down by now Victoria in one of the many Bush fires since then. One place I lived was in the foothills at Kelmscott came home on leave one time , and the wife was busy unpacking the car, said what are you doing ? She said there was a fire last week and got as far as two blocks away ,and was ready to move out. I did notice however that it was all her things in the boot and none of mine however. She was never happy living near the bush , so we moved down to Singleton near Mandurah not too far from the beach. But with all the recent shark attacks , if there was a fire it would Be like jumping out of the frying pan. In the 20 years have lived here have only had 3 snakes in the garden touch wood. Regards JWS
Last edited by j.sabourn; 17th June 2020 at 04:35 AM.
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