On my 21st I was about 500 mls east of Napier,just another day.
'' If it eats no meat,keep it !!
Originally Posted by frank ferri In the RUDDY ARMY.. got caught for National Service, serves me right for staying ashore longer than I should have.. hated every second of it ... Frank No doubt Frank in hindsight you made a very bad decission by staying ashore. Hindsight is a most wonderful thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy daze John in Oz. Life is too short to blend in. John Strange R737787 World Traveller
Originally Posted by wcrusader Well so far all of you seem to have been lucky on your 21st! Me well all i can say isNot something i really wish to remember,but it sticks in my mind till this day! Cheers Vernon Vernon. It seems as if that was Castlenordre near Toulous. Were you a 'Foreigner' and was it on your way to 'Le Rep' . Mike
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 4th March 2015 at 05:50 AM.
Admin Asst and Senior Site Moderator.
Originally Posted by Michael Lawrence Vernon. It seems as if that was Castlenordre near Toulous. Were you a 'Foreigner' and was it on your way to 'Le Rep' . Mike No Mike, It was at the old Fort at Vincennes, my Brother and i walked there from Vincennes station and i remember the sign on those huge Wooden Gates saying bureau d'engagement - legion entrangere As i said it isnt something i wish to remember too much! Only bad memories of what happened after that! Cheers Vernon
Senior Site Moderator-Member and Friend of this Website R697530
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mine was at home,as i had long since left the sea,and was working with the local bus company. i also celebrated my engagement to my present wife mik hall
Saxon Hotel ,Lyttleton..............................or so Im told.
your never alone......witha penguin
Hi All. For the life of me I can't ever remember having a birthday when I was at sea. I had to work it out on my discharge book what ship i was on when I had my 21st. British Piper probably up the Persian Gulf eating that awfull grub they served up. cheers Des
I was on the Ivernia, sitting in my cabin with a pint feeling sorry for myself when a couple of the lads called me into the next cabin. There too was the cake of mashed spuds and most of the tourist wingers turned out to be quite a night. Nice to have friends. Pete in sunny California
Originally Posted by PeteSmith I was on the Ivernia, sitting in my cabin with a pint feeling sorry for myself when a couple of the lads called me into the next cabin. There too was the cake of mashed spuds and most of the tourist wingers turned out to be quite a night. Nice to have friends. Pete in sunny California Hi Pete, By the looks of the Double post you are still enjoying that Pint haha! Is it the age thing LOL! Cheers Vernon
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