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30th July 2020, 06:27 PM
Souters/ Blandford Shipping
I used to work on Souter Ore carriers and on Blandfords Star boats and Blenhiem. in the 60's and 70's anyone out there sailed in these companies in these years. Dave Anderson.
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5th August 2020, 09:59 PM
Re: Souters/ Blandford Shipping
I was with WA Souter from 73-78 - I think you were second engineer on the Lindisfarne in 1974 with Pauline with you when I did a trip to Murmansk and back prior to joining the Stolt Sheaf? I also did a couple of trips on the Irish Wasa and one on the Cheviot so it may have been one of those, but I do remember sailing with Dave and Pauline Anderson.
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16th August 2020, 05:09 PM
Re: Souters/ Blandford Shipping
Hi, sorry for the delay in writing. I often sailed with Pauline while in Souters and later when I joined Blandfords. I was just looking forward to checking for anyone who worked for them. When I left I joined Blandfords as Second Engineer and First Engineer on Blenhiem, then I sailed as Chief Engineer, on all of their bulk carriers, later going Offshore on Semi's and Drill ships, ending up in Moduspec and Lloyds as a rig surveyor and trainer. I was looking for people I had sailed with as I retired a while ago. Do you know of any others from the company. Dave Anderson
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 16th August 2020 at 10:55 PM.
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19th August 2020, 11:30 AM
Re: Souters/ Blandford Shipping
Good to hear from you. I have only just checked the website again so had missed your reply.
There was supposed to be a Souter reunion in Newcastle this year but it has been postponed due to Covid. I think we sailed on the Lindy and the Irish Wasa together. I have a photograph which I think has you and Pauline in it (Irish Wasa bar) and I found a crew list from the Lindisfarne with your names on it.
I am still in touch with Martin Valender (now living in Australia) and exchanged emails with Christopher Souter about the reunion. Also John Shaw. I left Souters in 1978 and then sailed with Wallem (HK) and finally Geest Line out of Barry on the banana run to and from the West Indies. In the end I came ashore and went to Cardiff University - got a degree and joined Cable and Wireless Marine as a surveyor. Then I had an offer of a job with a security consultancy back home in Hereford who wanted a project manager with marine experience and I have been in that industry ever since - albeit on a self-employed basis since 1992. Covid has meant virtually no work this year and I think it is probably time to retire, especially with all the travel issues as most of my work is outside of the UK.
Kind regards, David
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19th August 2020, 05:42 PM
Re: Souters/ Blandford Shipping
Thanks David.
I do not remember your name but an getting a bit on the old side.
I left to go and work offshore, in the North Sea then spent 10 years off Brasil on a DP Drillship, starting as First Engineer then Chief Engineer,it was an experience but got into trouble for not letting the owners carry out ridiculous changes to the rig an they blamed me for the blackouts we had on a regular basis, as I could not come up with a reason for it, in the end they let me go, it turned out to be caused by electro techs changing pods on the bridge, they did this regularly and we always blacked out, I found out when I met one in a bar in Houston who bragged about it thinking it was fun, believe me I felt like choking him. After leaving the offshore business I became a Rig Surveyor inspecting rigs around the world, I then started writing and presenting presentations for Moduspec and Lloyds Register in Holland. When the offshore business, wound down I retired. I all I had a good life. I would like to know if any of the Souters people are still around. Do you know any of them. So thanks for the reply, bye for now. Take care.
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19th August 2020, 09:27 PM
Re: Souters/ Blandford Shipping
That is quite a career. Did you ever get fed up with the travel? I just feel as if I have never stopped being on the road until Covid. The last three months of 2019 I was travelling somewhere every week except for two. When all work got cancelled due to Covid it felt good to have a rest. I've a couple of years to go before I can get state pension but retirement is looking very attractive now.
There were about 30 names on the list for the Souter reunion, which I guess may still take place at some point. The contact email address if you are interested is (Steve Healy). I stayed in touch with Martin Valender because we were cadets together. He also lived near me while the second Severn Bridge was being built as he was master of the barge that floated out the concrete caissons. John Shaw (ex third mate) contacted me through this forum. About ten years ago my college group from South Shields had a reunion - we stayed in the Little Haven Hotel. Only one of us was still at sea and he didn't make it.
I have scanned the bar photo from the Irish Wasa and will try and attach it. I think it is you but sorry if it is not. The character on the left is the second mate I think - George Chadwick Junior so it must be my first trip on the Irish Wasa - I joined her in Rotterdam in April 1974 and left in Turku in August to go to Shields to do my first block release. Jimmy Macvean was the old man when I paid off. There was a junior engineer who wanted to fight everyone after he had had a couple of beers. He put the third mate in hospital in Sweden (Ken Fisher) with a badly broken nose. We finally put the junior ashore in Port Cartier. I have a feeling his name was Jimmy Clark. Do you recall any of those names?
All the best, David
Irish Wasa bar 1975.jpg
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20th August 2020, 08:04 AM
Re: Souters/ Blandford Shipping
hi david, i did a couple of trips on the longstone as junior engineer, i dont remember any names unfortunately. got the job through the newcastle pool on the 24th of december 1971. there was a reason for shipping out just before christmas.
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28th August 2020, 09:44 AM
Re: Souters/ Blandford Shipping
The Picture shows my wife Pauline who sailed with me, I do not remember the tall woman's name, or the guy in the corner. For Jimmy Clark, at the time I thought he was a good worker and had plans to suggest he be given a 4th's job. I know he was stroppy, but thought he needed help. One night when I finished my shift he attacked me in the alley by the Electricians door 'Charlie' I think his name was, we both went through the door and I split my eye on the sink, Charlie jumped up and sat on him until he calmed down I still carry the scar. Next day the Captain called the Port Cartier Mounties, and he threatened them, the told him if he did not shut up they would jail him. I never heard of him again. Thank you for the photo, if you have anymore post them to me on
If you know anyone else as them to make contact with me. Thanks' for the reply Pauline sends her best.
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28th August 2020, 01:09 PM
Re: Souters/ Blandford Shipping
Hi I have been following this thread with some interest. I sailed on the Scottish Wasa looking at my first discharge book I joined her in Rotterdam on the 23/11/72 and left her in Immingham on 3/2/73. I can not remember much about the ship or crew but felt that I had been Shanghaied by Prescott street pool as I was expecting to go somewhere tropical, all the ship managed to do was run between Lulea in the north of Sweden loading iron ore and discharging in a place in Finland called (I think) Kovahar . In the middle of Winter that was brass monkey weather and I swore to myself that this was the last iron ore wagon that I would ever sail on. By the way the Captain's name in my book appears to be James Walley or possibly Walker, the signature is a bit blurred .
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29th August 2020, 10:46 AM
Re: Souters/ Blandford Shipping
I did trips like that, never set foot in Lulea, but Kovahar was not a bad place, I joined one of the ships there but cannot remember which one. I don't remember the Scottish Wasa but sailed on the Irish Wasa which was previously the Baltic Ore. Most of the ore carriers worked for British Steel and travelled to Canada and Africa and discharged in the UK. I do not remember James Walley or Walker though there was a Captain James who was ok.
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