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Thread: Souters/ Blandford Shipping

  1. #11
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    Default Re: Souters/ Blandford Shipping

    I think it was James Walker. And I have done that Lulea/Koverhar run a couple of times. As a company cadet I didn't have any choice about sailing on the iron ore carriers. I did two trips on the Irish Wasa for my sins and also sailed on the Lindisfarne and the Cheviot. I never went ashore in Koverhar - but Lulea was OK, especially in the summer. I have been back there in recent years for work, including in the summer when it didn't really get dark. Although I managed to avoid much of the brass monkey weather in the Baltic I did visit a place called Botwood in Newfoundland on the Irish Wasa in January to load zinc ore I think. It was an icebreaker job in and out of port.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sorry for the slow reply - I tried to post one just now but have had to logout and log back in again. Busy with family the last couple of weeks. I had a feeling it was you that Jimmy had a go at before he was finally sacked. I think Alan Clish was old man at that time. I have found my old deck cadet's journal and I actually joined the Irish Wasa with Jimmy. As I recall he only had a problem after a couple of beers. I think he got his tap stopped but was getting cans from the crew. I have found a few more photos and will scan and email them to you when I have a chance. All the best to Pauline.

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  3. #12
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    Default Re: Souters/ Blandford Shipping

    Quote Originally Posted by David Welford View Post
    I was with WA Souter from 73-78 - I think you were second engineer on the Lindisfarne in 1974 with Pauline with you when I did a trip to Murmansk and back prior to joining the Stolt Sheaf? I also did a couple of trips on the Irish Wasa and one on the Cheviot so it may have been one of those, but I do remember sailing with Dave and Pauline Anderson.
    Dave, were you deck apprentice on the Sheaf Royal in the Pacific first half of 1974? I was engineer apprentice from end Jan to early June. We spent a month in Nakhodka unloading grain (they refused to believe in Rotterdam the process would take less than two days) then went to Gladstone in Queensland and loaded coal for Japan.
    Last edited by William Webb; 29th November 2020 at 02:47 AM.

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    Default Re: Souters/ Blandford Shipping

    Sorry William, only just seen this post. Yes, I was deck apprentice on the Sheaf Royal from October 73-March 74 (along with George Cuthbert who sadly passed away a couple of years ago). I paid off in Otaru after we left Nakhodka, but was desperate not to go home because I wanted to go to Oz! I think ten of us left in Otaru. We had a couple of nights in a hotel before being driven to Sapporo for a flight to Tokyo and from there to Amsterdam via Anchorage. You must have joined in Mobile or Beaumont or in Panama? I remember the boredom of Nakhodka and several people getting their shore leave stopped by the Russians for various reasons. And the lack of supplies. And the seaman's mission or whatever it was called. I still have one of their propaganda books that they used to hand out.

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    Default Re: Souters/ Blandford Shipping

    Was that the Blenheim of Fred Olsen as I knew a Master David Ede and an engineer Robert Geary on her

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    Default Re: Souters/ Blandford Shipping

    #14. Not an unusual name but by any chance was that the same David Ede who was later on the board of directors of B.U.E. Believe he was an X master. JS. For X read extra. JS
    Last edited by j.sabourn; 27th January 2021 at 01:11 PM.

  9. #16
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    Default Re: Souters/ Blandford Shipping

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Harris View Post
    Was that the Blenheim of Fred Olsen as I knew a Master David Ede and an engineer Robert Geary on her
    It was a Fred Olsen ship ran by Bladford Shipping. I remember someone called David Ede but not Robert Geary. I was first Engineer on Blenheim for around 5 months, and was asked to stay by the Chief Steward who was a friend of Fred Olsen, however I preferred the bulk carriers I thought the Blenheim was a mechanical mess and very few people where interested in looking after her. There where some good people on her but in my opinion a lot of posers. It was sold just after I left if I had stayed I would have received twice the payoff as we on the bulk carriers received. I did a few more years on the bulk carriers they where sold off and I ended up on oil rigs and drill ships before ending up as a rig surveyor, lastly for Lloyds Register.
    Dave Anderson

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    Default Re: Souters/ Blandford Shipping

    #16 David were you ever on the Bideford Dolphin (Blandford Drilling) 1985/6. That was the first drilling rig I worked on as 1st Eng went there after leaving Denholm's, did a year on it before being made redundant then went to BP for a year then C/E with Transocean for 26 years

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    Default Re: Souters/ Blandford Shipping

    Hi. No I was not on Bideford Dolphin. I sailed on Star Boxford, Blandford and Bulford, Blandfords passed them on and they changed their names I remember one was Star Ming and Star Sung, I sailed on both left in 08-10-83 and changed companies.

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    Default Re: Souters/ Blandford Shipping

    Quote Originally Posted by john walker View Post
    Hi I have been following this thread with some interest. I sailed on the Scottish Wasa looking at my first discharge book I joined her in Rotterdam on the 23/11/72 and left her in Immingham on 3/2/73. I can not remember much about the ship or crew but felt that I had been Shanghaied by Prescott street pool as I was expecting to go somewhere tropical, all the ship managed to do was run between Lulea in the north of Sweden loading iron ore and discharging in a place in Finland called (I think) Kovahar . In the middle of Winter that was brass monkey weather and I swore to myself that this was the last iron ore wagon that I would ever sail on. By the way the Captain's name in my book appears to be James Walley or possibly Walker, the signature is a bit blurred .
    Hi Mr Walker. Two years on, you get a reply! I rarely visit this site, was just searching all things "Souter". I was in "Scottish Wasa" 27 July 1972 until 4 Jan 73, so we were, briefly , shipmates. You don't say what you did- I was first trip Deck Cadet so you'd be unlikely to remember a sprog anyway! But what you may remember was going to Port Cartier to load, then anchoring off Spurn just before Xmas.There was a steward slashed his wrists after Xmas lunch, requiring that we call out the RNLI to take him off to hospital. We weighed anchor just after midnight, New Year-- I rang in the new year on the ship's bell as we were weighing. I paid off a couple of days later ( MingMing was my "home" port). The Mate was Roly Cordon, the Master you mention was James Walker.

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    Default Re: Souters/ Blandford Shipping

    Can you state who were the owners of the Scottish Wasa was ? I was mate on the Finnish Wasa round about the same era I think without looking up, but she was under the management of Whitco Marine and had a West Indian crew. I was only there about 5 months then got transferred to another managed vessel no relation to the Wasa vessels. Cheers JS

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