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29th May 2016, 11:45 PM
On Behalf of Caroline
Hello on behalf of my Husband
Chief Engineer for Souter shipping - anyone out there from souters?
Thank You
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 29th May 2016 at 11:54 PM.
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29th May 2016, 11:46 PM
Re: On Behalf of Caroline
Hope you will get some replies soon Caroline thank you for posting this! (I have done it for you)
Have a look here as well Caroline
Souter Shipping. Newcastle. - Ships Nostalgia
Sheaf Steam Shipping Co, W.A. Souter & Co, Newcastle
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 29th May 2016 at 11:58 PM.
Senior Site Moderator-Member and Friend of this Website
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29th September 2016, 07:44 PM
Re: On Behalf of Caroline
I was second steward with w a souters ships were longstone lindisfarne cheviot 3times dunstanburgh castles 1969 to 1974
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30th September 2016, 03:56 AM
Re: On Behalf of Caroline
Calvin there is just a chance that if you were on the Longstone or Lindisfarne in 1969 you might have known an acquaintance of mine who may of been either mate or master, a Gerry Screen from Long Benton. Not sure what year he died, but died in his 50"s. I was away at the time under foreign flag so didn't find out until much later. Cheers JWS
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14th November 2017, 08:01 PM
Re: On Behalf of Caroline
think i sailed with a gerry screen on lindisfarne
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4th March 2020, 01:33 PM
Re: On Behalf of Caroline

Originally Posted by
John G Hart
Hello on behalf of my Husband
Chief Engineer for Souter shipping - anyone out there from souters?
Thank You
Hi I worked for Souter on small ore carriers then the Sheaf Mount and Sheaf Tyne, it was in the 1970's. I started as Junior Engineer ended up as Second Engineer, before leaving for another company, where I ended up as Chief Engineer. In Souter"s I liked the Lindisfarne Sheaf Mount and Bamburgh Castle, and other ore carriers, though I was not impressed with the Sheaf Tyne, In the end I went offshore and ended up as an oil rig surveyor for a Dutch company and Lloyds Register. I enjoyed my time at see but think I would be a little lost now.
Dave Anderson
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4th March 2020, 01:56 PM
Re: On Behalf of Caroline
David like you I spent 50/50 on what one could say on normal. Shipping and offshore shipping. As regards the 20 odd years I spent in the offshore it was as chalk and cheese with normal shipping. What was the big draw back with shipping when today I think about it, was that the British Shipping was too far behind in the technology required to keep it abreast of the oil company’s requirements. Hence a lot of the chartering went out to the likes of the Norwegian who had more modern tonnage.
The old method of tying up to a rig by dropping an anchor and falling back on the rig and doing an impersonation of a Mediterranean moor lost its use when the sea bed became cluttered with pipelines , and ships were expected to snatch cargos by cranes and hoses. With the same tonnage , a twin screw and a tunnel bowthruster, the foreign shipping their first move was at least to an azimuth thruster and later to D.P.. I only hope today the British Shipping such as it is has caught up, otherwise there is no place in a very competitive industry. I did quite a few rig moves out here in Australia as tow master on the rig and at other times on the towing vessel so was quite aware of the discrepancy’s displayed by two totally different vessels. Cheers JWS
Last edited by j.sabourn; 4th March 2020 at 01:58 PM.
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18th March 2020, 08:28 AM
Re: On Behalf of Caroline

Originally Posted by
Calvin there is just a chance that if you were on the Longstone or Lindisfarne in 1969 you might have known an acquaintance of mine who may of been either mate or master, a Gerry Screen from Long Benton. Not sure what year he died, but died in his 50"s. I was away at the time under foreign flag so didn't find out until much later. Cheers JWS
Hi, my name is David Anderson
I was on Longstone and Lindisfarne in that era, worked for "Souters" as a junior to Second Engineer, then left to join Star Shipping.I will have to check my Log book, but I have never heard of Gerry Screen.
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18th March 2020, 08:51 AM
Re: On Behalf of Caroline
#8 Thanks your reply, I may have jumped the gun, as the period I was referring to was 64/65. Think Gerry might have been dead by 69. Thanks anyway jWS
Last edited by j.sabourn; 18th March 2020 at 08:54 AM.
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15th April 2020, 11:02 AM
Re: On Behalf of Caroline

Originally Posted by
David like you I spent 50/50 on what one could say on normal. Shipping and offshore shipping. . Cheers JWS
Hi, I worked on a supply boat in Brasil, the first Captain was a German who liked his drink, but managed the boat well. we laid of the rigs and the Captain and Bosun kept us alongside on the controls.
When he left we got a Philipino. We sailed the vessel the day he joined. He tied up to the rig, when we left a rope fell in the water, and twisted around one of our props. The rig blacked out and one of the propellers was out of action. The other was OK, I advised he went back to port on the good propeller. I went to bed at around 2 am someone nocked on my door and woke me, the lights where out. I went down and found cables to the propellers where on fire. I put them out and went to the Bridge. I asked why the alarms had not gone off and when I looked he had switched them off, he said the lights where the wrong colour. So we had no propulsion and where towed to port. In port I managed to get one propeller to operated and we went to a drydock near Rio. After that things got much worse.
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 15th April 2020 at 10:56 PM.
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