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29th June 2010, 07:49 PM
Grimbsy Nautical College
Good Day , did anybody go to this school ? I was there 64-65 .
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29th June 2010, 09:06 PM
Hi David B
Would just like to give you a warm Welcome to this very good site!
Here you will find lots of info,good Crew and with luck also find a few old Shipmates!
So sit back,relax and just enjoy the trip!
Hope we will have you here for a long time!
A site truly worthy of the British Merchant Navy!
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 15th December 2022 at 02:54 AM.
Senior Site Moderator-Member and Friend of this Website
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30th June 2010, 07:35 AM
G'day David and welcome to the site. From there you went to sea no doubt, what were your ships and do you have any dates to go with them? If so and you care to post them on site it is possible some may remember you. So sit back with a cold one and enjoy the voyage.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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1st July 2010, 11:05 AM
grimsby colledge
Hi Stan hackett here I went to the colledge in 1961? and then sat for my edh,Iwas the only m/n lad there all the rest were at the fishing, Ipassed, stayed with my Auntie in Cleethorpes,who wanted me to change horses and go fishing,my Uncle recond he could get me on a boat,as he had a stall and worked at the market regards Stan
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1st December 2017, 05:43 AM
Re: grimsby colledge
Enjoyed my time there in 63 Capt Keene for Navigation Capt Birch for seamanship and time at the fishing school for practical deck work.getting my Discharge book R792300 from RIBY SQUARE DOCK OFFICE leaving to join MV FOYLEBANK in Liverpool
Last edited by david atherton; 1st December 2017 at 05:50 AM.
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7th October 2020, 08:42 AM
Re: Grimbsy Nautical College
I did pre-sea school at Grimsby ‘71-‘72 then ONC while a cadet with Shell Tankers. So sad to see how Grimsby declined to how it is today.
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3rd December 2022, 04:15 AM
Re: Grimbsy Nautical College
I attended the old Grimsby Nautical School near Riby Square, 1953 to 54. I returned to the new School for second mates, mates and masters ticket.
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3rd December 2022, 04:38 AM
Re: Grimbsy Nautical College
Nearly the same years as me George .Only I went to Prince Edward Road Youth Hostel part of the Marine school at Ocean Road South Shields the year before . However Nellists Nautical School in Newcastle for 2,1,mates . Back to South Shields for masters as both Nellist brothers were dead. I sailed. With Saguenay Terminals on their Sunprincess in the latter 1960s where the 3 mate came from your part of the woods whose father owned a fleet of tugs run from Vancouver or that area but can’t remember his name now .Cheers JS
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15th December 2022, 12:09 AM
Re: Grimbsy Nautical College
I was in the Catering Dept 65/68 quite a few of my pals were in the Nautical Section first at Lock Hill Nautical School then later on with their tutors a Mr Hill and Ron Shepherd I think it was they all moved to the main college. If I remember right they practiced their new found skills on the cadets at the Hall of Residence across the road from the college. Following on from completing our courses many of us ended up on the same ships, early 70's in the QE2 kitchen (she was classed as a hotel) hence not galley there was 11 of us from Grimsby The college had a fine reputation in those days for Nautical Catering and Engineering courses. When passing today I can't help looking up at the ships bridge atop the building. I believe in the last couple of yrs Engineering Cadet courses have been re established. Extra activities took me to Lock Hill on a Wednesday afternoon, for sailing canoeing and rowing a 2 ringer Mr Mason was one of the 2 instructors. The rowing was in lifeboats lowered from davits into the Alexander Dock all good fun once everything got underway, alas the afternoon would come to an end to soon.
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