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11th October 2011, 10:39 PM
I was at gravesend from about may 1966. I remember it like it was yesterday. our boatswain was Mr Lambourne. Remember the porriage with salt on and queuing up for a dry bun. make 2oz of golden virginia last all week. happy days
12th October 2011, 06:08 PM
dont eat the porridge with salt in it
Hi Brian hi shipmates my time at sea school was 1968 june to sept had 3 fights in boxing ring 2 wins, 1 draw The draw was because he was welsh so I did not hit him hard. The leading hand of our dorm was from london he had a polish name short ginger hair, we won the cake 10 weeks in a row A record ? 10/12 weeks never sailed or saw any of the boys
again . what I like best was going on the boat up the thames old trawler wooden I was the chief engineer on the telegraft like on the old fashion movies, and had a go on a rifle range, and going canoeing on the sea and on a river down the rapids "Happy days"
12th October 2011, 08:48 PM
Hi Alex and Steve, I was there also I think late September and my first ship was the Canberra which i think around 6 of us joined from that group for the Christmas Cruise then after that we did an around the world 18 weeks ,how I miss it all, Cheers
24th October 2011, 02:41 PM
Hi Brian i was at Gravesend dec 67 to feb 68 i have a class photo i`m sure you are on it
25th October 2011, 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by
brian rees
Hi, Louis my name is Brian Rees, I was at Gravesend Dec' 67 to Feb' 68 taking the catering course. I remember it was possible then to have grudge fights in the boxing ring on Monday evenings. When were you there in 1968?
Regrds , Brian.
Hi, Brian my name is fred drake i was at Gravesend Dec 67 to Feb 68 Iwas leadhand i also played the drums on the entertainment night, the secratery used to dance on the stage to my drum solo. This is a photo of the class i`m back row third from the left i`m sure you are on this photo
25th October 2011, 04:57 PM
I remember them well, days and not names!
Hi all, I was at the NSTS from 13th Feb to 5t May 1967 the only reason I can be so precise is that I was clearing out the loft the other day and found my little blue book. I was student number 1322 in class Q deck. A few of the instuctors I can rmember were Mr Hunt, who on first meeting him said his name started with a "H" and not any other letter, though he was a right *****. My class tutor was a Mr Chambers, great instructor. !2 weeks of cold food, cold accomodation and cold showers. Having looked through my notes I do not think I really learnt any thing until I actually joined my first ship.
Lois the amigo, I shipped out of Cadiff until 1977 when I got hitched and came ashore. Lived in Barry 67 to 73.
Derek Brooks
Last edited by Derek Brooks; 25th October 2011 at 04:59 PM.
Reason: forhgot my Dis A number
25th October 2011, 06:31 PM
I was a peanut
Hi Derek hi shipmates, you were a year ahead of me in sea school what ships were you on? I only sailed out of cardiff and barry and Newport a few times and a couple of times out of ely harbor, on small esso tankers by the redhouse world famous pub in the days of sail, were you on cardiff pool?
25th October 2011, 08:04 PM
Hi Louis the Amigo,
Thanks for coming back. I was on Cardiff pool from 1968 to 1977. Joined Caltex Eagle, mostly coastal, Susan Constant, both from Roath basin, was with Denholms for 4 years and Gatx Oswego for 4 years. One trip on S A Vaal, out of Spothhampton, a shell tanker, MV Whitegate from builders in Denmark, and MV Rosewood when a somali EDH went and shot the Lecky dead, the Bosun twice who survived and we pulled in to Ecuador and put him ashore. That was the Xmas of 1973.
Full list and dates on MY SHIPS
25th October 2011, 08:17 PM
Hi Derek, I've got Family in Swindon. They live at Shaw. Just a short stagger from The Village Inn.
25th October 2011, 10:00 PM
What happen
Hi Derek, hi shipmates can you remember the somali E.D.H. do you know his name ?. did he come from newport? on the M.V. Rosewood was it an ore carrier? the one who shot and killed the lecky, and almost killed the bosun? what happen to him and why did he do it? please tell me I think i may have came across him on another ship.
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