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22nd November 2010, 11:29 AM
G'Day Jan, Mr Phillips was very strict but fair, I got top of the class Oct 1959 through sheer hard work, It showed in the final exam....never came first in enything before, it showed what a good teacher can do.
Pity that sort of man has gone.
Cheers, Roger
18th December 2010, 01:28 AM
Gravesend 1960
I have a couple Gravesend pics from early 1960,
Click Here
Memories, there some ship pics with more to come.
19th December 2010, 08:17 AM
I was at Gravesend in 1970 and still have a couple of clear memories of the place ,i think one scarred me for life,just kidding, it was the first day there and you had to walk down this long road passed all the dorms,and all the kids were hanging out the windows hissing PEANUTS at you all the way down,peanuts were newbies obviously but it was really freaky of course the next week we were all doing the same to the next lot coming in.The other memory is of an old guy named Paddy McGorran who use to do your lifeboat ticket,you had to take the lifeboat out and down to the jetty of this pub where Paddy used to have his lunchtime bevvy and row him back up to school half pissed (him not us) and you had passed your lifeboat ticket,brilliant,
19th December 2010, 10:35 AM
I was at the Vindi March-June 1949. Sounds as though much the same thing went on at both places. When arriving as newbies you were greeted with cries of" you've got a lifetime,Charlie." The main difference seems to have been,we were on a Ship,A ship that had a long chequered career long before any of us were born.
9th January 2011, 01:06 PM
Gravesend Sea School
David Cook,I see you have just signed on,welcome aboard.I tried to reply to your list of ships postings but for some reason I got the message that I could nor access that .
The reason I am contacting you is my Dis.Book No. R668251 yours being R668231,mine was issued 20 after yours.Which makes me ask,were you at Gravesend Dec56/Jan 57,if you were we would've been in the same class.
14th March 2011, 12:21 PM
I am a peanut
Hi shipmates I was at the Sea school in gravesend 1968 as a deck boy but was at sea on The Westward ho p & a Campbell a non pool non unoin paddle steamer? day trips around the coast in 1966, before I when deepsea my job in the shop- selling soft drinks to school children or at sea in the saloon was mopping the deck it had a few rivets missing so the sea could get in a nightmare. buckets of water all the time My question Does' anyone know the names of the groups, who would play every weekend at the dances'? in the sea- school Can't find out about them who were they? we had a diffirent one every weekend? some were very good. someone must have some information?
31st July 2011, 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by
Louis the Amigo
Hi shipmates I was at the Sea school in gravesend 1968 as a deck boy but was at sea on The Westward ho p & a Campbell a non pool non unoin paddle steamer? day trips around the coast in 1966, before I when deepsea my job in the shop- selling soft drinks to school children or at sea in the saloon was mopping the deck it had a few rivets missing so the sea could get in a nightmare. buckets of water all the time My question Does' anyone know the names of the groups, who would play every weekend at the dances'? in the sea- school Can't find out about them who were they? we had a diffirent one every weekend? some were very good. someone must have some information?

Hi, Louis my name is Brian Rees, I was at Gravesend Dec' 67 to Feb' 68 taking the catering course. I remember it was possible then to have grudge fights in the boxing ring on Monday evenings. When were you there in 1968?
Regrds , Brian.
15th September 2011, 08:12 PM
gravesend sea school
don't know why i remembered this song from 1955, but we all used to sing it to make us feel less homesick.
So we're saying goodbye to 'em all
the long and the short and the tall
bless all the Scousers and bless all the Jocks
thats why the girls on the prom wear white socks
so we're saying goodbye to them all
the long and the short and the tall
so we won't be mastered by no sea school bastard
so cheer up my lads bless them all.
Post Thanks / Like
17th September 2011, 12:29 PM
Hi Aex,
just joined site and saw your post , could have written it myself, remember it exactly the same, peanuts and Paddy etc.
I was there in the summer of 70 and whenever I hear chirpy chirpy cheep cheep by Middle of the Road it takes me back there .Remember a nasty little ---- from Glasgow think he was called Lillee or something like that and he was kicked out of the school for causing havoc and fighting everyone .
27th September 2011, 02:38 AM
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