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30th March 2017, 11:19 AM
vindicatrix-looking for anyone
i was at the vindi jan 1956 my dis ,number was was freezing cold .and i carnt remember my hut number it was close to the washrooms i was on the boxing team against gravesend.that only happened once a year,if you recall that,its possible you were there at the same time ,my name is jimmy gallagher ,i lived in wigan i joined with boys from liverpool who called me wiggy,i sailed with bibbyline ,elder demster,lamport and holt,, manchester liners .and first ship after vindi was a coaster Eileen M i am now 77 yrs old and living in south wales i lived in pwllheli and guildford also wiltshIre ,hope someone remembers me from this brief discription,cheers jimmy.
Last edited by Mike Hall; 30th March 2017 at 03:59 PM.
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31st March 2017, 06:17 AM
Re: vindicatrix-looking for anyone
James, you mention Manchester Liners. Did you ever sail with a John Readon, bosun with them for a number of years.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

31st March 2017, 02:28 PM
Re: vindicatrix-looking for anyone
h isailed on t he manchestervikeing or manshester monarch.joined. guyana .carrying sugar.bosuns name was cyril .lived in bootle married a phillpino.only knew one john he was an ab .a companys man and quite religouse i lost my dis book yrs ago so dont have dates . sorry jim went to vindi, 1995.
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31st March 2017, 04:27 PM
Re: vindicatrix-looking for anyone

Originally Posted by
james gallagher
h isailed on t he manchestervikeing or manshester monarch.joined. Guyana .carrying sugar.bosuns name was cyril .lived in bootle married a phillpino.only knew one john he was an ab .a companys man and quite religouse i lost my dis book yrs ago so dont have dates . Sorry jim went to vindi, 1995.
not sure the vindi was still open 1995 jim ..but stand to be corrected cappy
31st March 2017, 06:38 PM
Re: vindicatrix-looking for anyone

Originally Posted by
James Gallagher
h isailed on t he manchestervikeing or manshester monarch.joined. guyana .carrying sugar.bosuns name was cyril .lived in bootle married a phillpino.only knew one john he was an ab .a companys man and quite religouse i lost my dis book yrs ago so dont have dates . sorry jim went to vindi, 1995.
James the Cyril you are talking about was bosun in Bookers my son was with him when he got married in Guyana and brought his wife home on the ship.she brought her sister over and they both did a runner I think down to Cardiff.I was there on docking day on a Booker boat when the whole of the deck crowd got emptied out including Cyril,the next time I seen him he had a alsation and was a cocky watchman on a building site.
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1st April 2017, 02:46 AM
Re: vindicatrix-looking for anyone
The former sailing ship Vindicatrix was moored in the Old Arm at Sharpness from 1939 to 1966 to provide a base for training boys as deck hands and stewards for the merchant navy. The courses lasted two or three months, and around 70,000 boys received their basic training here.
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2nd April 2017, 11:17 AM
Re: vindicatrix-looking for anyone
i jim,you are right it was bookers i lost my i dis book long ago so cant look up which ships and when .i will try and find out now that you replied im 77 and find it hard computing but will get there in the end your boy must have been with cyril before me i did 3 trips with cyril and a great bunch of lads one i remember was an ex boxer i think came from a well known family .first name john.also an a b who had been with them a long time first name tink it was john .quite a religious guy ,used to go to church, in guyana .thanks so much for putting me righ ti idid 18 yrs in the murch,i sailed with a lot of scousers they used to call me wiggy . because of my wigan accent great sense of humoure will be visiting soon been several times never met any of them maybe now im on this site i might find someone,hopefully i used to drink in a pub up from the docks with cyril and got friendly with a band,the black diamonds used to go to pubs with them il try and remember the pubs name ,mcovoy was the name of the boxer.spread my name aruond you never know someone might remember me, cheers . jimmy gallagher
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2nd April 2017, 11:25 AM
Re: vindicatrix-looking for anyone
hi cappy im useually wroung but i did join vindi in 1995 in jan,my last ship was the staffordshire ,1779 198cheers jimmy
2nd April 2017, 11:38 AM
Re: vindicatrix-looking for anyone
morning jimmy i read your ref to the vindi with interest appears you may be wrong ...i have a photo of the vindi in cashmores yard of her being broken up in 1967.......i had a very late night last night and am having a long family lunch today ...but got out my vindicatrix book out and checked....even through last nights haze and am pretty sure i am right ....regards cappy
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2nd April 2017, 11:53 AM
Re: vindicatrix-looking for anyone
Jimmy the pub you went to with Cyril was the Wyndham right opposite the railway station in Bootle.i never sailed with Cyril my son was cadet in Bookers and I think he first sailed with Cyril on the Booker Viking then when the three new ships came out sailed with him on the Booker Challenge.I cant remember now if it was the Viking or Challenge when he got married and brought his bride back to the UK on the ship.
Jimmy did you ever sail on the Chuscal,a young lady was on here a couple of months back looking for her dad a one Jimmy Gallagher.I know a man of that name here and I replied to her asking was this the man but she never came back on the site.
- - - Updated - - -

Originally Posted by
James Gallagher
hi cappy im useually wroung but i did join vindi in 1995 in jan,my last ship was the staffordshire ,1779 198cheers jimmy
Jimmy if you did 18 years at sea and you are now 77 I doubt you went to the vindi in 1995.You are 1 year older than me and I went to the sea school in 56 maybe you went before me in 1955.Thinking about it jimmy it was late 70's when you were with my son.well before 1995.
Last edited by Jim Brady; 2nd April 2017 at 12:07 PM.
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