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27th October 2008, 04:18 PM
TS Dolphin Leith
Calling all Dolphin Boys.
I attended TS Dolphin West Old Dock Leith from January to April 1962 for Pre Sea Training, had a great time but have not managed to track down any of the lads on my course .
Click Here
Steve R770014 South Derbyshire
28th November 2008, 06:15 PM
Hello Steve
Was at the Dolphin myself April to July 68, if there were any Shetland lads at the Dolphin with you and you know their names maybe I can help
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2nd December 2008, 02:04 AM
Oh ...... the Memories
Thanks for that link, the site brought me close to tears.
I have two older brothers and we all trained on TS Dolphin, I trained on her in January 1969 whilst my elder brother James, was on her the previous year 1968, my eldest brother Alex was I think on her in 1967. It seemed to become a tradition in our family the M.N. What a fantastic time we all had.
Looking at some of these photos, although none are of us, brings back memories, I remember having to save all of my wages after school, so I could go to the "Dolphin", I couldn't wait until I left school at 15, though I wouldn't be accepted until I was 15 and a half , what a disappointment that was, still I got there in the end.
We all attended the Catering course, so we have all scrubbed that galley a few times, couldnt get away home on a Friday night until that blasted stove was spotless! ha, ha. I'm sure I recognise a few staff faces from the photos.
I remember going on some Sea Trials with a new dredger whilst I was on the Dolphin, great excitement was had by all.
Left the Dolphin and joined my first ship in Birkenhead on the very same day that Armstrong walked on the Moon, we both had great ships!
All three of us, brothers, ended up with Cayzer Irvine, different ships, although I did sail with my brother James twice, which was unusual.
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2nd December 2008, 01:29 PM
Hi Jim and Russ
What a great surprise to find both your posts this morning I have only a few names and contacts from TS Dolphin and whilst she was smaller (and more select) than Vindi it still puzzles me why there are not more names.
If you would contact me on my mail I will send you all the names I have.
Names of the lads on my course are the following links for the National Archives:
Click Here
Click Here
If you Google your R number and name you will get your courses too
I managed to join a Catering Course January 1962 when only 14½. I was a baby faced Sassenach and still wet behind my ears. Dolphin was a big shock and it catapulted me into the Street Wisdom Ways of Leith in no time. I was unable to go home at week ends but I was well looked after by the Leith lads who fought each other to take me home at week ends. I have very fond memories of the Close and Tenements of Leith, of Mince and Tattles and Bridies and Beans. Their Mums were all very kind to me, I will never forget the hospitality. The lads took the Piss out of Me and Tommy (the other English lad) but they looked after me fearlessly in the scrapes with the local lads. My first ship was the MV Amarna in the Alexandria Dock Liverpool loved the trip but after I paid off and went back ashore to school and four years later came back as a Lecky but that’s another story.
If I had the chance I would do it all again
Steve R770014 South Derbyshire
16th December 2008, 11:53 AM
T.S. Dolphin
I was at Dolphin as the first term of a cadets course in 1958. The last 2 terms were in the "real" Nautical and I joined Anchor Line as a cadet early in 1959. I joined for the Easter to Summer term on Dolphin and ours was a small course since most cadets joined in September after leaving school the previous July/August. Dolphin was great! Fond memories of boating, wire and rope splicing - Capt Tait was in charge then his exec being "the North Sea Chinaman" - cant remeber his real name!!
All the best to all Old Dolphins. The West Dock has long been a concrete highway and I havent been back to Leith for over 50 years!
16th December 2008, 02:43 PM
Hi Neil
Good to see another Dolphin Boy on the block and if you send me a personal mail from this site giving your details as I have a membership data base with twenty names and Emails and a long list of almost forty names I have made some contacts who want to meet up and there’s some exiting possibilities in Leith so get back to me and I will send you all the info
Best Regards
Steve R770014 South Derbyshire
17th December 2008, 06:30 AM
G'day Neil, welcome to this most wonderful of sites where you may meet with many from your past life. So sit back, grab a cold one and enjoy the voyage.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

29th April 2009, 07:39 PM
Anybody recognise R738166 Robert from Buckie - went to Leith Nautical in September 1960 on TS Dolphin?
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19th July 2009, 07:53 PM
I was on the dolphin 1964 i remember John Goudie from my time there.
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20th July 2009, 07:17 AM
G'day edz and welcome to this great site. If you care to list your ships with some dates you may well get replies from some who knew you. so sit back with a cold one and enjoy the voyage.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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