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19th November 2020, 03:00 PM
Re: TS Dolphin Leith
Wasn't actually on Dolphin, but was at Leith Nautical college (which was very adjacent) 1968-70.
Prince Phillip was due to do the honours re the new dock gates at Leith and he was due to go past Dolphin and LNC enroute. A few of us went out to see what was about, and saw that a number of the Dolphin lads had been paraded in their Battledress uniform. The Duke saw them from his car, and being an ex seagoing person, had his people stop and he went and did an 'inspection' and from what I recall he seemed to have a few words with them (we were a number of yards distant), and off he went to continue his day.
Was anyone here involved in that?
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13th July 2021, 08:28 AM
Re: TS Dolphin Leith

Originally Posted by
Seamans Daughter
Anybody recognise R738166 Robert from Buckie - went to Leith Nautical in September 1960 on TS Dolphin?
Hi Robert I remember you we were in the same class I am also Robert but you would probably remember me as Monty it would be good to catch up at some time in the future once we are free of the cov-19 pandemic.
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13th July 2021, 09:41 AM
Re: TS Dolphin Leith
#50. Trying to figure out why I am on this old post on the Dolphin . Is it because I knew someone ? Or just got muddled up and put in wrong place. My only connection with any Nautical Establishment in Leith was doing a Safety Officers course there about 1983/4. Although have joined ships and left them there at various times JS
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14th January 2023, 02:35 PM
Re: TS Dolphin Leith
I went to Leith Nautical on a radio officers course in 1969. We did lifeboat drill off the side of the T.S. Dolphin which was the closest I got to sea. I met my wife to be 1 month before going to Leith so decided that the sea was not for me. Been together for over 50 years so vindicated.
Ian Natusch was the Principal, Eric Hay Radio, Ted Whitehead Morse, Taff Maths also Mr Bonnar and Mr Moodie although I forget their subjects. A few classmates came from the Brora / Helmsdale area. I think one was called Gordie. Another guy we called West Wemeys. Often wonder how many actually went to sea.
I left after the first year and joined Pye Telecommunications as a trainee technician. Moved to sales in my mid 20s and was there for almost 30 years until being made redundant.
Proud to say that my son went to Glasgow Nautical in the early 90s as a deck cadet and served with L.O.F. until their demise at the end of the decade. Now works as a petrochemical surveyor / expeditor all over the world and still sails from time to time.
My granddaughter is at City of Glasgow College as a deck cadet and due to sail on her first trip in March so still have a connection and interest in the sea.
I sometimes wonder if I had seen the course through what might have been !
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15th January 2023, 12:22 AM
Re: TS Dolphin Leith
Brian, probably did your liver a favour. I always enjoyed sailing with sparkies as there was always one in the bar when I came off watch, especially the 8/12 in the evening.
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23rd January 2023, 04:11 AM
Re: memories
Wasnt at the dolphin tho i sailed with a few from there,i was a vinfy boy.Did sail on the Salambria and Salmela tho.
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23rd January 2023, 04:24 AM
Re: Ships of old
What no Salvina? Im sure you will have a few good tal
es to tell of that much travelled fleet i loved my time on the 'Ambra and 'Mela.
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19th June 2023, 04:13 PM
Re: TS Dolphin Leith
I trained on TS Dolphin in 1970, I unfortunately can't remember any of the lads! it's a age thing. I remember Lines though he was a tough guy shipped out of leith pool my first trip on the RFA olna departed Rosyth sailed up around the pentland firth (oh lord never again ) It was at the time of the ibrox disaster
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29th June 2023, 04:29 PM
Re: TS Dolphin Leith
I trained on the T S Dolphin as a deckboy late 1962 . I lived in Leith at that time so I went home every evening after lessons, as most of boys were full time boarders coming from the Shetland and Orkney islands.When I completed my training I joined NZ Shipping Company and with two other boys we joined the S S Hororata in Cardiff which sailed for NZ and took six weeks to reach Auckland . Three months were spent along the NZ coastline unloading & loading cargo unlike today’s turnaround time.
Would like to hear from anyone who had been training at the same time and had been with the NZ Shipping Company or the Horarata.
Michael Montgomery
- - - Updated - - -
I trained on the T S Dolphin as a deckboy late 1962 . I lived in Leith at that time so I went home every evening after lessons, as most of boys were full time boarders coming from the Shetland and Orkney islands.When I completed my training I joined NZ Shipping Company and with two other boys we joined the S S Hororata in Cardiff which sailed for NZ and took six weeks to reach Auckland . Three months were spent along the NZ coastline unloading & loading cargo unlike today’s turnaround time.
Would like to hear from anyone who had been training at the same time and had been with the NZ Shipping Company or the Horarata.
Michael Montgomery
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12th September 2023, 11:14 AM
Re: TS Dolphin Leith
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