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31st July 2009, 10:09 AM
T. S. Dolphin
Morning Steve
Just picked up on your correspondence with reference to the Dolphin in Leith. I was on the deck-boy course on- her late 64 into 65. I had great memories of her and enjoyed the rowing and sculling in the nearby dock, also remembera breeches-buoy transfer from her over to HMS Killiecrankie, which was moored on the opposite side of the dock. I was in the Mech for nearly five years, sailing with Blue Star, Ben Line, Shell, C.E.G.B., and Hains. Good days, bad days, I'd do it all over again. It would be great to have a reunion with other ex-Dolphin inmates, especially on the same period, but as they say up here, "Wha's like us. damn few an' they're a' deid".
Brian Beattie (R809717)
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31st July 2009, 07:01 PM
Dolphin Boy
Hi Steve,
I attended Dolphin (Catering) 1951/52
18th September 2009, 10:43 PM
1955/6 ts dolphin
Does anyone remember angus scott from edinburgh, whom was on the ts dolphin either in 1955 or 56? Please help
21st September 2009, 03:23 PM
Post Thanks / Like
5th October 2009, 07:44 PM
Try this site,
Sorry Steve i never noticed you had this link in your first post
Last edited by Wully Farquhar; 17th October 2010 at 04:21 PM.
1st November 2009, 09:29 PM
TS Dolphin Days
Hi I was at the Dolphin on the deckboy course from 10 sep 63 to 14 dec 63 i was allowed to leave two days early the 12th dec to join my first ship the Benloyal in London.I was known as Kirkie while on board and have great memories of my time there.I would love to hear from anyone who was on her at the same time as me.I did keep in touch with Billy Allan fae Aberdeen for many years but i have lost all contact with him for 10 years or so now.I did about 4 years at sea came ashore & got married in 1968 & still hanging on in there,happy days Davy Kirke Thomson fae Saltcoats.
2nd November 2009, 04:39 AM
G'day Davy and welcome tot he site. If you care to list your ships with some dates you may well hear from some who knew you. So sit back with a cold one and enjoy the voyage.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

15th January 2010, 03:43 PM
T.s. Dolphin leith 9.1.62/13.4.62.
.hi there steve,
i've just recently came onto the web and am still finding my way about. i was delighted to find this site and a lot of memories came flooding back to me.
the above dates was the"Deck Boy" course that i attended at the "DOLPHIN" but to be honest,i can't recollect your face or name.
i do have an old photograph of the lads on my watch,but have mislaid it and am turning my house upside down looking for it.
i came ashore in 1964 due to domestic problems in my family so my time at sea was short but very sweet.
i always wanted to go back, but it was not to be.
i still stay in edinburgh and have been a cab driver for 33 years...still traveling, but not as far.
when i was at the "DOLPHIN" i won the first prize for top marks for the year and was given the "DOLPHIN" medal and £5 from the "BEN LINE".
these were posted to my home as i was allowed to leave a week early as i had secured a job with SHAW SAVILLE and joined my first ship in Liverpool on the 9thApril and my first trip was to Aus./N.Z.
i don't want you to think i'm boasting,but i thought it might stir your memory,i still have the medal and i also have the "DOLPHIN" lapel badge.....the blue Dolphin on a silver background,as well as my life saving medallions earned at the "Vicky Baths" Leith. i remember one of the guys was Dutch, and his name i think was Bodie?, he was a big guy and we all called him Cheyenne, at the baths no one could keep up with him.
i also remember we did an inflatable life raft demo one evening in the baths for a group of people.hope i haven't prattled on too much and bored you but i haven't spoke to anyone about the "DOLPHIN" for years.
i'll get some photos organized and send them on.
my very best wishes,
graham murray, R769988.
18th January 2010, 03:08 PM
For Graham
Good to see your posting and I am sure we were both on the TS Dolphin January to April 1962 and I can remember faces but not too many names. Did you live just off Leith Walk? Because I do remember spending Saturday morning with a local lad and cant remember any names. Where did you live?
Control and Click the following link as your Discharge number is just in front of mine and have a look at the names to see if it brings back any memories.
Click Here
I see you were you deck, I was catering
Keep in touch
Best Regards Steve R770014
Last edited by stevesherratt; 22nd January 2010 at 10:11 AM.
17th April 2010, 01:20 AM
I was in the catering course Dec 59-March 60.Still remember Capt Tait, Sutherland,Flockhart and Lines.Johansen the Norwiegen Cook,and "Shooders",the 2nd Cook.Did anyone ever learn his real name?
A few names I remember,Big Pat Smith from Tranent,He should have been a Donkeyman.John Sillers from Saltcoats,and the only Northern Islanders I can remember,George Costie from Orkney and Wee Christie Fraser from Shetland,who just wanted "to go to the Pukters" at every oppertunity.
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