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22nd December 2020, 12:27 AM
Distress signals by ships.
Apart from the obvious distress calls via Radio or manually and automatic relay systems and today gps systems.
An Annex 1V of the international regulations still recognised the following as being in force...
A gun or other explosive signal fired at intervals of about a minute.
A continuous sounding with any fog signal apparatus.
Rockets or shells showing red stars fired one at a time rat short intervals.
The international code signal NC
A signal consisting of a square flag having above it a ball or anything resembling a ball
Flames on the vessel asfrom a burning tar barrel
A rocket parachute flare or a hand flare showing a red light.
A smoke signal giving off orange smoke
Slowly and repeatedly raising and lowering outstretched arms at each side.
A piece of orange coloured canvas with either a black square and circle for ident. From the air .
The last one is probably why ships lifeboats sails were orange and had the first and last letters of the ships name in black plus the number of the boat in black on them.
The one that most seamen went on about having the ensign upside down can find no reference to.
Maybe someone else knows more truth about that one.
Cheers JS
Last edited by j.sabourn; 22nd December 2020 at 12:29 AM.
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22nd December 2020, 12:48 AM
Re: Distress signals by ships.
What about a rapid ring of a bell and a lot of shouting, Whoops! sorry that's a butchers boy coming around the corner when his brakes failed.
Lest We Forget
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22nd December 2020, 01:19 AM
Re: Distress signals by ships.
#2... That one originated Des at the BOT when the examiner asked a candidate “ what’s a white light forward and a red light aft and a rapid ringing of the bell “ , and the candidate replied “ a bicycle going round a corner”. It wasn’t me as wouldn’t of had a clue. But would have kept my mouth shut as didn’t want seatime , cheers JS
The same as another candidate the first one still doing his extra seatime was the last exam before Xmas , in one of the written papers he was stumped so wrote on the paper, “ God only knows the answer to this question I don’t, merry Xmas “ . The papers coming back from the markers in London had on them, “ God gets full marks, you get none, Happy New Year “.
If he had kept his witticisms to himself he might of got partial marks for whatever workings he had done even though not completed. Always best to give a wide berth to any nautical examiner. Cheers JS.
Last edited by j.sabourn; 22nd December 2020 at 01:29 AM.
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22nd December 2020, 03:09 AM
Re: Distress signals by ships.
The. Changes in the International code flags between 1953 and 1990
1953. code flag A I am undergoing a sea trial , 1990. I have divers down
1990 code flag G I require a pilot , made by a f/v I am hauling nets
1953. Code flag J I am going to send. Message by semaphore 1990 I am on fire and have a dangerous cargo o/bd. Keep well we’ll clear of me.
1953 code flag K you should stop instantly. 1990 I wish to communicate with you.
1953 code flag M I have a doctor onboard 1990 my vessel is stopped and making no way
1953 code flag T. Do not pass ahead of me. 1990 keep clear .
of me I am engaged in trawling
1953 code flag Y. I am carrying mails. 1990 I am dragging my anchor
Anyone know anymore
1953.code flag Z. To be used to address shore stations. 1990 I require a tug or I am shooting nets among other things
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22nd December 2020, 05:35 AM
Re: Distress signals by ships.
Distress signals ashore are a little different.
The rapid sound of bolts being shut, keys locking doors and curtains being closed is a sign the mother in law has just pulled up outside your house.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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22nd December 2020, 05:43 AM
Re: Distress signals by ships.
That reminds me of a little chief steward the old man and me went to pick up at his home in Cardiff. He must have been having a tiff wth his wife as when we walked through the front door she walked out the back. She must have told him he wasn’t to go out with us and had to stay in. JS
The same bloke got back at me as when home on leave he rolled up on my doorstep with the cabin boy, the ship was in South Shields and had got a taxi to come via Newcastle to my house a distance of over 20 miles and left it outside meter ticking over, rolled into the house with a few beers and the cabin boy who was 16 and homosexual waving a bottle of babycham and saying look what I’ve brought you mr, mate. I had a Hell of a lot of explaining to my wife after they had gone, but was pleased I didn’t have to pay for the taxi. Was also worried in case the cabin boy had been out of sight at any time , as he had a fetish of getting dressed up in his mother’s clothes at sea. And used to raid her wardrobe before sailing. JS.
Last edited by j.sabourn; 22nd December 2020 at 05:56 AM.
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22nd December 2020, 11:44 AM
Re: Distress signals by ships.
The T.V Still on when you decide to come home about 2am in the morning sozzled, The dragon is waiting to slay you
{terry scouse}
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22nd December 2020, 11:57 AM
Re: Distress signals by ships.

Originally Posted by
The one that most seamen went on about having the ensign upside down can find no reference to.
Maybe someone else knows more truth about that one.
Cheers JS
Wouldn't make much difference with the French, Belgium and a few other ensigns John
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22nd December 2020, 12:12 PM
Re: Distress signals by ships.

Originally Posted by
The. Changes in the International code flags between 1953 and 1990
1953. code flag A I am undergoing a sea trial , 1990. I have divers down
1990 code flag G I require a pilot , made by a f/v I am hauling nets
1953. Code flag J I am going to send. Message by semaphore 1990 I am on fire and have a dangerous cargo o/bd. Keep well we’ll clear of me.
1953 code flag K you should stop instantly. 1990 I wish to communicate with you.
1953 code flag M I have a doctor onboard 1990 my vessel is stopped and making no way
1953 code flag T. Do not pass ahead of me. 1990 keep clear .
of me I am engaged in trawling
1953 code flag Y. I am carrying mails. 1990 I am dragging my anchor
Anyone know anymore
1953.code flag Z. To be used to address shore stations. 1990 I require a tug or I am shooting nets among other things
John, What do the two flags flown A,+M, Depict as in a distress call, Another is N,+C, Terry
Last edited by Red Lead Ted; 22nd December 2020 at 12:14 PM.
{terry scouse}
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22nd December 2020, 12:19 PM
Re: Distress signals by ships.

Originally Posted by
Ivan Cloherty
Wouldn't make much difference with the French, Belgium and a few other ensigns John

Ivan, I have seen the Red Ensign flown upside down, Only because the bird brain who hoisted it fastened the short halyard to the bottom and not the top.
{terry scouse}
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