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6th September 2015, 11:14 AM
Britains V bombers
Just a question for those with more knowledge of these.
Coming home from a recent holiday where we had flown in and out of Manchester Airport, as we were driving up the A1 near Leeming RAF station, in the distance we could see a military aircraft doing circuits, Although it was a fair distance away when it banked it had the distinctive V bomber shape.
I had it in mind that no new bomber aircraft of the RAF have that V shaped wing profile and I was under the impression that any remaining V Bomber's no longer fly. Can anyone enlighten me? This happened around 1400 on the 05th sept.
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6th September 2015, 11:59 AM
Re: Britains V bombers
I did not see it myself John, but a Vulcan bomber attended the Bournmouth air show last week i believe, so there is one at least still airwothy, KT
6th September 2015, 01:13 PM
Re: Britains V bombers
Agreed, Vulcan making last tour of UK.
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6th September 2015, 03:29 PM
Re: Britains V bombers
6th September 2015, 04:04 PM
Re: Britains V bombers
They exercise those over Fleetwood and Blackpool every week testing them, they make the house shake.
They are built just down the road from there at BA Systems.
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6th September 2015, 04:49 PM
Re: Britains V bombers
The Vulcan is still about until the end of the year show season, it was at the Clacton Air Show 2 weeks ago.
Displays / Tours - Vulcan To The Sky
Last edited by Frederick Lacey; 6th September 2015 at 05:06 PM.
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7th September 2015, 12:56 AM
Re: Britains V bombers
- - - Updated - - -
I remember way back when I was a teenager, and a prototype Vulcan appeared at the Leuchars air display. It came roaring in at low level, then pulled up at 45 degrees doing a barrel roll. Then came back a little higher, and did a complete loop - awesome! A few years later, when in the Army, living just outside the RAAE Boscombe Down, they had a Vulcan fitted with an Olympus engine - testing for Concorde - in addition to its own four jets. It would take off, and immediately spear up into the clouds, trailing flames and smoke, with the ground shaking. At about the same time there was a Victor flying around with a Bluestreak standoff bomb strapped underneath. One day along came a P1127 Kestrel - original Harrier - on its first cross-country flight. Interesting times.
Last edited by Braid Anderson; 7th September 2015 at 12:57 AM.
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7th September 2015, 11:26 AM
Re: Britains V bombers
Thanks for the replies lads.
I saw the Vulcan at Sunderland air show this year and for some strange reason had it in my mind that it was its last appearance ever, senior moment obviously.
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7th September 2015, 11:38 AM
Re: Britains V bombers
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7th September 2015, 12:08 PM
Re: Britains V bombers

Originally Posted by
Jim Brady
Jim B
That looks like the plane I saw, never realised the new euro fighter was delta winged.
If it is that noisy, no need for its enemies to have radar then, just good hearing.
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