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5th August 2015, 04:21 PM
Re: Dambusters.

Originally Posted by
Frederick Lacey
Hi Vic,
......For info....
https.//******_( dog)
Well I never, can't understand why its been blotted out, tells you all about the Dog on site.
Substitute stars for ****** with a capital "N"
Question. If about the dog can be seen on Wikipedia, and a photo of him can be seen with Guy Gibson, also his grave,
is this site censoring factual subjects due to political correctness,??????????/.
#####its just the loonies running the racial asylum........cappy.....ooh sorry can i say loonies
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5th August 2015, 04:31 PM
Re: Dambusters.
that stephen fry keeps coming in the headlines what the bloody talent he is supposed to have is absolutely beyond me .....a fat useless lump of lard......if he is a national treasure they keep ramming down our throats..i think the nation has now gone completely down the tubes......methinks he must have a very very very close friend at the top of the bbc ....nod nod wink wink...... regards cappy
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5th August 2015, 04:42 PM
Re: Dambusters.
There are some very strange Bed Fellows in the BBC, Cappy.
In Britain today if you are bent you will get on.
Regarding Guy Gibsons, Dog, N*****, the film was shown on TV a few months ago and the dog in the film was called N***** as it should have been. That was its name.
Why do they try to hide it??
a fact is a fact, It is a word I have heard many times in West Africa as they call each other USING THAT WORD.
Even in the film, `THE BLUES BROTHERS`, Cab Calloway who is a black man calls himself "This old N*****".....
So what is the problem , who is it who wants to change the language, were they elected?? if not why do they have the power to stop people saying what they need to say? Is the day now finished when we had the freedom of speech? we can only speak if we say "dot dot dot dot dot"
I have the book in front of me now, By Joseph Conrad, `THE N***** OF THE NARCISSUS` one of the classics.
Just looked on google, no problem with the word. the book is on sale there under the original title,
Book Review in the Daily Telegraph, [ uses the word]
Gary Dexter investigates The N***** of the Narcissus by Joseph Conrad
The N***** of the Narcissus (1897) was Conrad's first major novel and, as an early work, its title has some peculiarities.
For a start, the Narcissus was the only real ship's name Conrad ever used in his novels and is one intimately connected with his own life: he joined the real Narcissus in Bombay in April 1864 and voyaged south past the Cape of Good Hope, reaching Dunkirk on 16 October.
A second biographical link, as Conrad told his biographer, was that the 'N*****' of the title, the West Indian crewman Jimmy Wait, was based on a shipmate on that voyage, the 35-year old Joseph Barron, who, like Wait, died during the voyage. The Sailors risked their lives trying to save the N*****.
So if the newspaper Telegraph, can publish the word and google, Amazon etc can publish the word then why are we being censored ?
Why don't they publish a dictionary, of.....
I despair, It is like the G***YW*G, banned here, In the West Indies it is the best selling doll. so what is that all about??
Last edited by Captain Kong; 5th August 2015 at 05:11 PM.
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5th August 2015, 04:49 PM
Re: Dambusters.
Lets see if this story comes up in full,quite interesting as to the use of it's name over the years. it is this site that is censoring it
Last edited by Jim Brady; 5th August 2015 at 04:52 PM.
5th August 2015, 04:59 PM
Re: Dambusters.
If you google guy Gibson with dog lots of info including it's correct name plus the use of other names for it such as trigger or even dubbed out.
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5th August 2015, 05:19 PM
Re: Dambusters.
Google Joseph Conrads book N***** OF THE NARCISSUS and the page is full of the Word N*****.
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N/A thanked for this post
5th August 2015, 08:30 PM
Re: Dambusters.

Originally Posted by
Captain Kong
There are some very strange Bed Fellows in the BBC, Cappy.
I despair, It is like the G***YW*G, banned here, In the West Indies it is the best selling doll. so what is that all about??
The Dam Busters was shown on one of the Freesat Channels at the weekend. Before the film started we were warned that contained strong offensive language and at the advert intervals we the viewers were warned again and again that the film contained strong and offensive language-------yes the N word.
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 5th August 2015 at 10:50 PM.
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5th August 2015, 08:38 PM
Re: Dambusters.
#8, No disrespect meant to your friend's experience Cappy or your post, but didn't all our families suffer in wartime?
My husband has an acquaintance through business who as a young German Lawyer settled in Eire after WW2!! Maybe why he's not too shy when regaling his father's contribution of atrocities as an SS Officer. Unlike my late German friend whose first husband was also an SS Officer. She at least had the good manners to embrace her country of migration, the UK and thereafter to express vehemently about the horror of war.
So my attitude by today's pc society concludes I therefore must be racist. I care not a jot. Will always defend those who fought and died for our freedom. Learning partially through my friends wisdom and her first hand experience, would abhor another war. R.I.P. Mr Munroe. My eternal gratitude to those like him who denied themselves a moral compass on our behalf.
Last edited by gray_marian; 5th August 2015 at 08:41 PM.
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5th August 2015, 09:35 PM
Re: Dambusters.
Having experienced the german Blitz in WW2 and being bombed out, having to search and dig my mother out of burning wreckage and then stood there with Absolutely NOTHING and no where to go, no where to live, eventually staying at grandmas with the family split up into different houses, for the duration,
I have No Love at all for any kind of german, didn't like them then and do not like them now and have no intention of any friendship with them or the rest of Europe.
I have often wondered if by bombing our home it helped the german war effort.
Last edited by Captain Kong; 5th August 2015 at 09:36 PM.
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N/A thanked for this post
5th August 2015, 09:51 PM
Re: Dambusters.
as said Brian if 35000 people wanted to invade and that's what it is not one has a visa or done thing proper we would have troops armed to repel them but this day and age they all must have had money to pay and would be middle to rich class in their own country lots are professional people? and they are the ones a country needs but their own country not ours we are full and if the brains of this country cant see what is happening with the tent cities put up in London they must think this is things to come all over Britain? the fight must stay in the middle east its their problem they are letting the infidel to help them at our cost and we are told every day we are skint we can win the day for them but we will still be hated when its all over? they are like a pack of wolves they will turn on each other when there is no one else to fight? just my view jp
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