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Thread: Spitfires

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    Quote Originally Posted by seanmac View Post
    .......I think my c/v allows me to comment and make mistakes,just like we all do:-)
    Sean, no one is doubting your qualifications to comment or express views on this site, and certainly my post was not intended to do so, nor would I have the audacity to do so.. All I was doing was commenting upon the fact that sometimes we get further and further away from the core of the site. Also Tony, no one is doubting the service of the Spitfire in its service during WWII to both maritime and other spheres of operation, I have a close connection with Spitfires in-as-much that one of my aunts used to ferry them from factory to operational airfields during the war.(in fact I had two aunts doing that). Also I know Welsh Keith has a fondness of all things Airborne as I think he is ex RAF. Also having being bombed out three times during WWII, I welcomed the sound of Spitfires and Hurricanes, so do not think I am anti Spitfire, I just think at times we stray (too deeply) into territories well covered by other websites.

    But like all others on the site I stand to be corrected.

    Rgds Ivan

  2. #22
    Keith at Tregenna's Avatar
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    Which Keith would this chap be ?

    Would like to PM him.


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    HI IVAN, we all stray at times, me included, i have put posts on site regarding something very relevant to the MN, Two days later the posts are as far rmoved from the original subject as mars is from earth, i did not take offence, i for one would like to see more MN History, personal tales are so interesting, i stated this recently, especially the more technical aspects of Ships Operations, but where is the line drawn, sometimes its hard to find something of interest, eventually we allways seem to get back on track, apart from my posts in our forums for non seagoing matters, i do try to basically keep them to MN subjects. some subjects are more closely relevant to the MN than others, best wishes, Tony W.
    Tony Wilding

  4. #24
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    Hi Shipmates,

    I have re-read the contents of this thread thrice-over and quite honestly can see nothing in it's content that is worthy of censure.

    As I see it, the subject of the thread commenced by Tony Wilding concerned the discovery of a number of WWII Spitfires in Myanmar (Burma) that had been unearthed in their original cases, i.e prior to assembly. What followed was a series of relevant posts from interested members, including the generous offer from Edmund Crook regarding R.A.F. photography from WWII. This might well be pertinent to the thread subject, bearing in mind that Spitfire aircraft, stripped of armament to facilitate speed and range, were in regular use by the R.A.F. Photographic Reconnaissance Unit during the war. Spitfire.....the very name should stir something in the hearts of all true Brits of a certain age, those who can still remember, no matter whether tinker, tailor, soldier or even sailor. Spitfire, the sight and sound of which still sends a frisson of pride down my spine, not easy to explain, but, nevertheless, very real. Viewed in flight it is , I think, the most bird-like of all aircraft.

    Personally, I could see no harm whatsoever in allowing a topic of this nature to be discussed on this site (including the upload of relevant photography). To discourage such, I thought would be folly (still do) and accordingly, in Post #16, I expressed my view to Tony (our moderator). Typically of Tony, he replied in gentlemanly fashion and conceded that he may have been wrong. Now, I see, my friend Ivan, for whom I have the utmost respect, has joined the fray supporting Tony M's original view. This suggests that it is time for me to circle the wagons ( John Wayne, where are you when I need you).

    Without wishing to belabour the point I made in an earlier post, I must stress that, occasionally, it has been customary for members of this site to raise topics often far-removed from the sea and ships, albeit that in this instance, as has been pointed out, there is a long-standing link between the M.N. and the R.A.F. Tony M. and Ivan remind us that the primary intent of this site is to nurture a common interest (or love if you prefer) of the sea and ships and all things nautical which is undeniably true and something with which I agree, however, I fail to see how the upload of some R.A.F. photography would seriously challenge the integrity of this site. In saying that, I would
    not necessarily agree with the idea of dedicating a forum solely to the R.A.F. which, understandably, might then be viewed as the thin edge of the wedge. Perhaps, this is what concerns Tony M. and Ivan.

    Whilst I do not understand the feasability of doing so, would it not be possible to install a forum for 'Miscellaneous' topics (with a similar designated area in the Picture Gallery). This would enable topics of interest, such as this, to be installed without diminishing the general theme of the site.

    Just a thought, brothers, just a thought.


  5. #25
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    Hi Seanmac,
    I for one enjoy discussions on this site of ALL subjects, and you will find a few members who spit fire from time to time, but all in good heart, so i welcome your input, and hope you change your mind Best regards Keith Tindell

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    Default Spitfires

    If I have inadvertently upset anyone with my comments on Spitfires, please be assured that was not my intention, but if I have, then I unreservedley apologise because I have the utmost respect for the machine and the men who flew and serviced them.

    Kind regards


  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by j.sabourn View Post
    Seeing the name brought back near forgotten memories. As was brought up in my younger years in Kingston on Thames at my grandparents house, we as kids used to idolize the spitfires and their pilots. I can rememember after the war someone telling me that the brother of Lord Haw Haw, William Joyce, had a brother who was a spitfire pilot and that he had committed suicide at sometime either during the war or after.I dont know if this was true, or was just maybe kids talk. Would anyone have followed the life of William Joyce, I know he wouldnt of had any fans thats for sure, I know he held an Irish passport and was supposed to have surrendered his British nationality. Would be very sad if was true about his brother, so hope it was just kids talk. Regards John Sabourn.
    Intrigued,I just had to check it out,John,and it is an untruth/kid's talk,inasmuch that he wasn't a pilot,but did work for the Air Ministry.

    From The Independent(U.K.) 31/8/2008

    "The brother of Lord Haw-Haw, the most notorious Nazi propaganda broadcaster, was also suspected of spying for the Germans, it was revealed today. Quentin Joyce, the younger brother of William Joyce, who was nicknamed Lord Haw-Haw, was interned after it was discovered that he was in contact with suspected German intelligence officers.
    Security Service files released today reveal that Quentin Joyce was put under surveillance by MI5 after they realised he worked for the Directorate of Signals in the Air Ministry, a position that might allow him access to vital military information.
    They grew doubly concerned after covert surveillance revealed he was in touch with a suspected German intelligence officer.
    Some of the letters sent between the pair used phrases about stamp collecting that British intelligence believed were coded phrases.
    At the outbreak of war, Quentin was arrested and interned. He was released in 1943 but banned from joining the armed services for fear that he would apply to become an officer and pose an even greater security threat.
    His unrepentant brother William was later captured and brought back to Britain, where he was hanged for treason for his wartime activities ."


  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger DYER View Post
    Whilst I do not understand the feasability of doing so, would it not be possible to install a forum for 'Miscellaneous' topics (with a similar designated area in the Picture Gallery). This would enable topics of interest, such as this, to be installed without diminishing the general theme of the site.
    Hi Roger and other interested parties

    We have, within the Gallery, a section marked General Interest which already contains photos of everything from motorbikes to planes and therefore ideally suits the purpose you describe. As far as a dedicated R.A.F. forum goes, as promised, I did discuss the question with Brian and he was very positive about including such especially since flying was one of his hobbies. A new forum called R.A.F was duly created.

    Although Keith would have liked the forum to be called Aviation the existing name stands. Overall the intended theme for the site is nautical based and it is only right that it should remain so. What should concern us here is the part the fine men and women from that service play(ed) in a nautical connection such as for instance Search and Rescue. More in depth analysis of the aviation industry will always be available on other specialist sites. However a general interest does exist and that will be well served by the new forum. Other Air Services such as being researched by Keith also fit neatly within in the same forum since it is not unreasonable to suspect that the pilots of those other services were originally trained in the R.A.F.

    It is hoped that everyone is happy with the decisions made and that further bickering within the thread can be avoided.

    As a side issue you will note that the R.F.A now has its own dedicated sub forum under the umbrella of Shipping Companies. This paved the way for the facility to name the main forum, containing R.N and R.A.F, "Armed Services" hence bringing more clarity to the index.

    As ever all the changes made are with the interests of all members in mind.

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    Hello Tony.............Refer to your #47

    Be advised that my indignant balloon has been suitably deflated (well, as far as this subject is concerned ). Many thanks for bringing this matter to a satisfactory conclusion, I think everyone is a winner.

    At the risk of sounding like the sycophantic Uriah Heep, I commend you for the excellent manner in which you perform the, often thankless, task of moderator. Brian must rest easy knowing that in you he has found another gem like Doc Vernon. You have done well and long may you continue to do so.


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    Default Spitfires

    I will second that appraisal, Tony W.
    Tony Wilding

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