Thank you so much for your quick reply! The only family member that I know of that was in the Merchant Navy was my great grandfather Neils Peter Christensen. he died at sea off the coast of Acapulco and so I presume was buried at sea. That was in 1920.
He took his 2 sons to sea when they were teenagers - my grandfather Albert Edward Christensen did return to the UK and was married here. Also his brother, another Neils Peter Christensen jumped ship in Canada and settled there.
I'm not sure there is a link to them and Benalbanach because of the dates.
Other family names could be McNeilage from Scotland, McBride from Ireland, Wakefield who were (and still are) cotton graders. I really am clutching at straws and was hoping I'd be able to view crew lists to see if a name looked familiar!
Many thanks for your time