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1st April 2023, 03:53 AM
Re: Request for help re. ratings

Originally Posted by
Yes the O.S. is obvious but the other is not.
I don't think any of those fit Vernon - you have to think of the era that he was serving - 1920's. He was an ordinary seaman so whatever it is, is associated with seamanship rather than engine-room, oil and water and all that.
Was actually only Posting what i copied Hugh, and those 4 were together, i only meant the Wiper one
But hopefully someone can come up with a good reply! ??? Winch Wiper ??
First of all a Wiper is one of the most junior entry level cargo ship jobs and as the name suggests you will be doing a lot of wiping and cleaning!
This means wiping down the vessel’s engine spaces equipment and machinery and making sure they are kept clean so that they can operate correctly and efficiently. This also involves greasing and degreasing and generally making sure that the engine room and work spaces are kept clean and tidy.
A Wiper’s duties and responsibilities also include assisting the department’s other crew members with tasks such as basic maintenance which could mean chipping and painting as well as keeping inventory and making sure that logs are filled in correctly.
As a Wiper you may also need to fill in for other members of the department if needed and stand watch as part of the watch team however you will not be assigned a watch yourself.
What is the maritime career progression for a Wiper?
Because a Wiper on a ship is an entry level ship job the good news is there is plenty of opportunity to progress in your maritime career.
Basically Wiper jobs are apprenticeships for Marine Oiler jobs and a Wiper will eventually become a QMED - a Qualified Man of the Engine Department. This means an upgrade of the Wiper’s duties and responsibilities to then include tasks such as repairing and maintaining the actual engine as well as the auxiliary power systems.
What qualifications does a Wiper on a ship need?
The good news for anyone thinking about a career in seafarer jobs and about becoming a Wiper is that this is one of the jobs at sea that doesn’t require too many qualifications.
In fact the position of Wiper aims to give the seafarer a grounding in plant layout and the basic duties that need to be performed in the Engine Department all while building up that crucial sea time.
However a Wiper will need to be familiar with a ship’s safety equipment and also understand vessel operations. Like most maritime jobs a level of fluency in English which is the main language used onboard due to the fact that a crew could be made up of different nationalities will be expected by many employers.
So possibly all above may have been the case with him???? Still lots to look into though i guess~
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 1st April 2023 at 04:17 AM.
Senior Site Moderator-Member and Friend of this Website
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1st April 2023, 08:59 AM
Re: Request for help re. ratings
As it's O S and WW and it is to do with deck it could be 'Wing Watch' as in Navigating Bridge Wing, a responsible position in those days (as now) although fewer and fewer ships seem to have bridge wings these days
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1st April 2023, 11:39 AM
Re: Request for help re. ratings
Hi Hugh
Many thanks for sending the CR2 which I hadn't located. Do the dates on the rear refer to joining or leaving a ship? Also, I note that the first entry is "Philadelphia" - I thought it was actually "Philadelphian" which seems to have been scribbled across the rear of the CR1. Also the date of construction of Philadelphian (1920 Belfast) is appropriate as is the fact that it was Liverpool based.
Thanks again
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1st April 2023, 04:19 PM
Re: Request for help re. ratings
The ship concerned is DORELIAN, which was originally with Leyland Line, then Harrisons of Liverpool and latterly with Donaldsons.
At the time of this fellow's engagement onboard she was still run by Leyland Line.
I can only think WW stands for some kind of subsidiary position to that of OS, so it has to be something deck related. I wonder if this fellow had some kind of trade before he went to sea?
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1st April 2023, 04:26 PM
Re: Request for help re. ratings
Hi Jim
I have no idea what he may have done before going to sea but he would have been aged only 18 in 1927 when he joined.
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1st April 2023, 06:35 PM
Re: Request for help re. ratings

Originally Posted by
Roy Handley
Do the dates on the rear refer to joining or leaving a ship?
HI Roy,
The dates are his dates of engagement aboard each ship.
There may be omissions though as those cards are not complete.
"If Blood was the price
We had to pay for our freedom
Then the Merchant Ship Sailors
Paid it in full”
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1st April 2023, 09:52 PM
Re: Request for help re. ratings
Just in case you have not got the names yet, here they are after the First one which as said are as follows in Order
Just as an offset , would it be feasible to apply for a Crew List , this way there would be more information i am sure, as i got all my Crew Lists and amazing what is in them.
So going from his First Ship in 1928 i see there is a Crew list for that Year. You can Email the Archives in Canada and direct it to Mrs Tanya MacDonald , and ask if the one Crew list can be issued. There will however be a cost!
Will leave it with you
Crew List Index Search Results (
To place an Order see here please
Researching Crew Agreements and Official Logbooks (
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 1st April 2023 at 10:13 PM.
Senior Site Moderator-Member and Friend of this Website
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2nd April 2023, 04:21 AM
Re: Request for help re. ratings
All the Union CO ships I was on kept the lookout on the wing of the bridge, most of their ships had a little shelter on Port and Starboard wings with window all around
Lest We Forget
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2nd April 2023, 05:20 AM
Re: Request for help re. ratings

Originally Posted by
Ivan Cloherty
As it's O S and WW and it is to do with deck it could be 'Wing Watch' as in Navigating Bridge Wing, a responsible position in those days (as now) although fewer and fewer ships seem to have bridge wings these days
I am guessing that you may just have hit the nail on the Head , but of course not sure!
Its the best answer as yet i feel.
Wing Watch.JPG
Senior Site Moderator-Member and Friend of this Website
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2nd April 2023, 08:31 AM
Re: Request for help re. ratings
It was usual practice to have three AB's per watch but if a vessel was short handed it could be two AB's and an SOS.
Perhaps a mistake was made by the person who entered WW and should have been WK, OS and watch keeper.
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