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16th July 2017, 05:17 PM
Just dont say your English
[B]Just dont say your English
Goodbye to my England! So long my old friend!
Your days are now numbered, being brought to an end,
To be Scottish, or Irish, or Welsh is just fine,
But dont say your English, thats way out of line
The French and the Germans may call themselves such,
So can the Norwegians, the Swedes and the Dutch,
You can say that your Russian, or maybe a Dane,
But dont say your English, not ever again,
At Broadcasting house the word is taboo,
In Brussels they've scrapped it, in parliament too,
Even schools are affected, staff do as they're told,
They musnt teach children of the England of old,
Writers like Shakespeare, and Milton, and Shaw,
The pupils dont learn about them anymore,
Nor about Normandy, Arnhem or Mons,
When England lost hosts of her very brave sons,
We are not Europeans, how can we be,
Europe is miles away, over the sea,
We are the English from England, so lets all be proud,
Stand up and be counted and shout it out loud,
So lets tell our government, and brussels too,
Were proud or our heritage, the red, white and blue,
Fly the flag of St George, or our own Union Jack,
And let the world know - WERE TAKING ENGLAND BACK.
From the Norfolk Regiment.
Last edited by Captain Kong; 16th July 2017 at 05:19 PM.
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Chris Allman,
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happy daze john in oz,
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16th July 2017, 10:06 PM
Re: Just dont say your English
I am English and proud of it my father believed that anyone from outside Derbyshire was a lesser person and therefore with racist against or people from Yorkshire Nottinghamshire Lancashire Staffordshire and he wasn't sure about those from Leicestershire anybody from Beyond their borders he regarded the definitely foreign . The trouble is we have seemed to have lost our sense of Pride and those that claim that they are there for the English and fly St George's flag , that have a Turkish Sainthood do thanks for being a patron saint . Tend to be the people that I would not want to be regarded as English with
Rob Page R855150 - British & Commonwealth Shipping ( 1965 - 1973 ) Gulf Oil -( 1973 - 1975 ) Sealink ( 1975 - 1986 )
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16th July 2017, 11:12 PM
Re: Just dont say your English
Originally Posted by
Captain Kong
[B]Just dont say your English
From the Norfolk Regiment.
Enjoyed reading that even though Shaw was an Irish playwright born in Dublin 26/7/1856, yes he did have dual nationality. I have no problem with anyone who says they are English ,also they should make St Georges day a national holiday. We do in Ireland N&South so why not England. Sadly the English let the National Front high jack the English Flag. I do know that on Wirral ,Wallasey and Birkenhead and it maybe New Brighton there are 3 Church of England churches Fly the Cross of St George nearly every day of the week, and why not, anyone who does not like it fuc-em!!!!!
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 17th July 2017 at 06:45 AM.
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17th July 2017, 02:46 AM
Re: Just dont say your English
Hi Brian.
Just an exert from the Sydney Telegraph
It's astonishing the Sydney University law school includes a course which calls for recognition of sharia law.
This would include child brides, and "exclusive" right for man to divorce his wife. What next? Public caning s, stoning rape victims and throwing LGBI people off rooftops.
If we are not careful we could end up like the UK where dozens of sharia law courts issue rulings contradicting common law.
British ******s have began demanding that sharia law become the only law in ******-majority towns, where signs declare, "You are entering a sharia controlled zone Islamic rules enforced.
A parallel system of justice cannot operate in our country, where one of the fundamental principles is the law applies equally to all, end of quote.
Don't know if this is true of Britain? .
Cheers Des
Last edited by Des Taff Jenkins; 17th July 2017 at 02:49 AM.
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17th July 2017, 07:28 AM
Re: Just dont say your English
Originally Posted by
Lewis McColl
Enjoyed reading that even though Shaw was an Irish playwright born in Dublin 26/7/1856, yes he did have dual nationality. churches Fly the Cross of St George nearly every day of the week, and why not, anyone who does not like it fuc-em!!!!!
Lewis, at that time Ireland was still part of the UK. But I agree, UK is one of very few who do not celebrate a national day. The French have Bastile day, but that is a cut above the rest.
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 17th July 2017 at 07:34 AM.
Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller
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17th July 2017, 08:05 AM
Re: Just dont say your English
There you have it John in a nut shell , one of the reasons that the English are not so popular around the world is this, when they talk about subjects relating to the UK. They refer to it as being English. Yourself have just committed the same mistake. Shaw was an IRISH man born in Dublin in 1856. Yes Ireland at that time was part of the United Kingdom which as you know is made up of 4 nations and not just England.
I remember when Glasgow Celtic won the European cup in 1967 the media reported it as Celtic become the first British team to win the European Cup but in 1968 when Man Utd won the European Cup the media reported it as Man Utd become the first English team to win it.
Now some may say that is nit picking, but I will bet money that those of us on this site who are not English will understand what I mean.
We all know that the Engish & French just about tolerate each other, the French are not that popular around the world either nor are the Germans, why is that now.It is because the three mentioned nations are so bloody arrogant. The UK do not celebrate a national day ? well the last time I looked N Ireland still have St Patricks day as a national holiday and N I is still part of the United Kingdom, for how much longer though I am not sure.
Last edited by Lewis McColl; 17th July 2017 at 08:06 AM.
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17th July 2017, 08:13 AM
Re: Just dont say your English
perhaps the reason we dont go mad on st geordies day is we all know he we are ,,,,others may have to remind themselves...cappy
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17th July 2017, 08:18 AM
Re: Just dont say your English
##also i guess a lot of people dont like us cos we have kicked a lot of ass along with our scot irish and taffy partners ......and owned by our guile half the world at one stage...lolcappy
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17th July 2017, 08:26 AM
Re: Just dont say your English
I think over the Years with the size of the Country ,and what it has achieved is a great feat to say the least,i know many don't like the Brits,but I say if not for them and their Guile as cappy puts it,the World would sure as hell be a very very different place and for the worst too!
The only other Nation that had as much Guile was Germany but they just did not get there and THANK GOD!
Good old Mother England,but now whats happening to it all! Oh Dear!
Lets hope that they will again fight and win yet another Battle this time a different sort but still a Battle.
God Bless England!
Senior Site Moderator-Member and Friend of this Website
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17th July 2017, 08:36 AM
Re: Just dont say your English
Yet again it is not all about England is it, Scotland voted remain as did N Ireland vote remain, the economic powerhouse that is London voted remain.
Sadly England is going down, shame really the nationis being run by idiots and the government in waiting are not much better if at all.
God bless England, I think God left England years ago.
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