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17th July 2017, 08:37 AM
Re: Just dont say your English
###doc in the villages of england where the yeomen and bowmen that took out the frogs at crecy and agincourt abide there is a strong english regard for our country.....each village as you know with its memorials to there dead the cities are filled with foriegn religions and races which do not understand the english.....i am sure the other members of GB feel the same these are the people as once said like..the ox in the field ..stubborn and when he looks you in the eye ...back down...or simlar words ....we are sadly held back by lawsmade by people who never made anything the loonies taking over the asylum in the last few days on this seamans site.....order restored ...full ahead ...cappy
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17th July 2017, 08:49 AM
Re: Just dont say your English
to be fair lewis you live in france ....true talk about the irish they are a split race ..the north cannot even form a coaltion to run themselves......and if not for the euro money the south of ireland would be the backward man of europe. millions of euro money poured inroads leading nowhere ....the money of course from great britains contribution....sad but true .....methinks you wear a team coat of too many colours lewis ...ofcourse that is your right its called democracy ..the people vote ...the government is formed ..despite all the crap the people have decided may not suit you it may not suit me but it is the law of this country ...just one englishmans view without malice cappy
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17th July 2017, 09:08 AM
Re: Just dont say your English
Cappy well put, I am pro Europe and as you say the people have voted .I had my say and vote, it did not go the way I wanted it to but it is a democracy .
My old Grandpa Lewis, who fought on the Somme with the Ulster 36th division always used to say. The English tolerate the Irish because they know when there is another war to be fought we will pack our gear and head to the front same as we have always done. He also used to say that when England has no wars to fight , sure we will just fight amonst ourselves to keep in Practice.
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17th July 2017, 09:24 AM
Re: Just dont say your English
lewis that statement is very true ....but when the bugle calls it calls us all in these islands ....sadly methinks it should be called now with the interlopers causing mahem ...but it is not too late we will find away of stopping this blot on our country ..the wheels grind slowly ..and once my opinion we get control of our selves instead of the faces behind this european charade ...the wheels will be merciless as the people demand the freedom of speech we once had to say . i dont like and dont want this or that ..which at the moment is beyond our control perhaps not in my lifetime now but in the future...cappy
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17th July 2017, 11:25 AM
Re: Just dont say your English
One thing I have always admired about the Those who are born in the UK & Ireland is, you can kick us and kick us again, but don't try it a third time.
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17th July 2017, 12:02 PM
Re: Just dont say your English
Last week there was a Viscount jailed for 12 weeks because he said online he would pay anyone £5000 to run over the
troublesome Gina Miller (anti Brexit campaigner) the jail sentence in it's self is right because you can't go around threatening
to assassinate people, the bit that got me was the judge's summing up comment when she said, it is a criminal offence to
make abusive threats to others in this multicultural society "We are lucky enough to live in" Miller milked it all she could and
got the publicity she craves plus £5000 from the bloke she got jailed, I thought the judge nailed her colours to the mast with
those words "Lucky Enough to live in" what chance do we have with people like this in charge of the courts ?. JF
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17th July 2017, 02:15 PM
Re: Just dont say your English
Cappy's is always threatening people but the miserable get never offers any money with it
Rob Page R855150 - British & Commonwealth Shipping ( 1965 - 1973 ) Gulf Oil -( 1973 - 1975 ) Sealink ( 1975 - 1986 )
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17th July 2017, 04:08 PM
Re: Just dont say your English
Originally Posted by
##also i guess a lot of people dont like us cos we have kicked a lot of ass along with our scot irish and taffy partners ......and owned by our guile half the world at one stage...lolcappy
utter tosh.
17th July 2017, 04:13 PM
Re: Just dont say your English
Originally Posted by
Des Taff Jenkins
Hi Brian.
Just an exert from the Sydney Telegraph
It's astonishing the Sydney University law school includes a course which calls for recognition of sharia law.
This would include child brides, and "exclusive" right for man to divorce his wife. What next? Public caning s, stoning rape victims and throwing LGBI people off rooftops.
If we are not careful we could end up like the UK where dozens of sharia law courts issue rulings contradicting common law.
British ******s have began demanding that sharia law become the only law in ******-majority towns, where signs declare, "You are entering a sharia controlled zone Islamic rules enforced.
A parallel system of justice cannot operate in our country, where one of the fundamental principles is the law applies equally to all, end of quote.
Don't know if this is true of Britain? .
Cheers Des
im never going to read your quotes again as I find the language used against those poor mozzies offensive and racist, as we should all bend over backwards to accommadate these peace loving tribal, misogynistic, homophobic , and queen killers the room to develop and prosper anywhere they take root.
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17th July 2017, 05:02 PM
Re: Just dont say your English
Originally Posted by
Lewis McColl
Cappy well put, I am pro Europe and as you say the people have voted .I had my say and vote, it did not go the way I wanted it to but it is a democracy .
My old Grandpa Lewis, who fought on the Somme with the Ulster 36th division always used to say. The English tolerate the Irish because they know when there is another war to be fought we will pack our gear and head to the front same as we have always done. He also used to say that when England has no wars to fight , sure we will just fight amonst ourselves to keep in Practice.
Hi Lewis, my old grandpa used to say the same thing. He served 26 years in the British army. Was from Cookstown NI.
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