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14th August 2008, 01:33 PM
Ships list
Joined the MN 1961.
First ship was the St Rosario, went out on her sea trials as Junior (accompanied by the Chief Engineer!!!). Thought I was the bees knees! Lasted one day!! Day after received telegram to join MV St Essylt, built 1948 - back to reality with a bump, stayed with them 2 years, up to 3rd Engineer. Great company that went bust (not my fault honest!!). Then joined Palm Line, the rest is history as they say
Lobito Palm 62.
Ibadan Palm 63/64, 66.
Lagos Palm 65, 68.
Makeni Palm 65
Badagry Palm 64, 65.
Elmina Palm 64, 67.
Ilorin Palm 64.
Ilesha Palm 65/66.
Africa Palm 67, 68.
Akassa Palm 68.
Bamenda Palm 68.
Russ Kennedy
Last edited by Russ Kennedy; 14th August 2008 at 01:40 PM.
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24th October 2008, 08:45 AM
hi was on the ibadan in 77
24th October 2008, 08:53 AM
Hi Steve
Hello Steve,
may i give you a warm welcome to this really good site mate!
Here you will find lots of good sorts and also most of us are a bit balmy at times! haha! Good laughs though especially on the Virtual Ship!
So take a seat and sit back and enjoy!
Hope you will have a long and happy stay here!
Please see your PMessage
Senior Site Moderator-Member and Friend of this Website
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23rd November 2008, 03:27 PM
ref post #1
Hello Russ i did the last voyage in the St Essyt as you say they were a great company , single berth cabins for the deck crowd not to many built like that in the 40,s i,m not sure if they went skint although i could be wrong but i well remember the word was at the time that they had started to put their money into the city , but i have to say we went out with a full cargo and came back fully loaded as well .
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 26th January 2010 at 08:34 PM.
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23rd November 2008, 06:59 PM
St Essylt
Hi Kurutai,
What date was the last trip? After my last couple of trips on her, my certificates of sea time were on Union Castle/Clan Line headed paper. The rumours we were getting was that we would be tranferred to Union Castle, that is why I joined Palm Line, to stay with the short trips, even though the destinations were not as glamorous as South America. We had some brilliant times in Rio, Montevideo and BA.
Russ K
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23rd November 2008, 07:08 PM
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3rd January 2009, 05:20 PM
St Essylt
ref post #5
The last trip of the South American St line which was in the St Essylt , sailed from Tilbury on the 11/3/1965 paid off South Shields on the 3/7/1965 , great little ship was a time to remember, it for sure aint going to happen again all the very best .
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 26th January 2010 at 08:35 PM.
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18th January 2009, 03:10 PM
Enugu, Ibadan
Hi Mike Liverpool,
I remember Captain Frankie Imaz very well, did 4 trips with him, 63 and 64 and 2 in 1966 all on the Ibadan. Quite a character as you say. One trip we all travelled together including Frankie Imaz on the Hook of Holland ferry to join the ship in Rotterdam. He had quite a few scoops and a few of us were chatting with him in the bar when a lady with her daughter sat at the next table. The daughter would have been about 19/20, Frankie turned to the lady and said quite loudly "excuse me madam, is your daughter a virgin". I kid you not, we didn't know which way to turn, Frankie on the other hand, just smiled and carried on drinking. On another occasion, my wife joined me onboard for the trip from Newcastle to Tilbury. Frankie gave her 4 new pennies, and said every time you look at these you will remember Frankie Imaz! What a character.
Cheers Russ K
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23rd February 2009, 04:45 PM
Palm Line
I was with Palm Line 1955-1957 before joining Harrison Line.
I did my first two trips in the Gambia Palm with Captain Frankie Imaz.
He was indeed a character, known as the Liverpool Spaniard because of his Liverpool accent.
Those were golden days.
Pat Baker.
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27th April 2009, 05:46 AM
You OBVIOUSLY sailed on quite a few Palm Line Ships... Did you ever come across a Deck Officer named Vic Fisher? A grear personal shipmate of mine on Wartime (Royal Navy) Cable Ships, We were together aboard H.M.S. Bulan when the Japanese capitulated. British India wanted their Bulan returned to them, so we sailed it to Bombay and, en masse, the whole ships company was returned to U.K. by troopship. Instead of total demob which we all expected it was late September 1945, I got turfed back out to Alecandria to join H.M.S. St. Margarets (Built as a Cable Ship) and didn't get back and demobbed till August 1947. The last I knew of Vic Fisher, he was happily married, but still at Sea and was in about his third year with the Palm Line... That would have been back in 1959//60 I spent the last couple of years with the Port Line: Port Chalmers (Old) and Port Lyttelon (Brand new Maiden Voyage).
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