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1st April 2016, 11:52 AM
Re: Alan George Dixon
if he is alive perhaps an intermediary could find if he wishes contact.....this is fraught with problems many of us could beassociated with ...cappy
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1st April 2016, 12:47 PM
Re: Alan George Dixon
Cappy... What you mean Us Kimo Sabe.... as Tonto said to the Lone Ranger when surrounded by Apaches. JS
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1st April 2016, 01:11 PM
Re: Alan George Dixon
###sayonara tonto cappy whoooooooosh
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1st April 2016, 01:27 PM
Re: Alan George Dixon
hi hanneke....try facebook .....or you may possibly get someone to find if he is still with us in births deaths and marriages.....there are people who could possibly do this ....not definetely .......remember he may have also been married at that time and may not wish to be found daughter was courting a young man many years ago and he had been adopted ......he found his true mother and father ....his father was also a seaman......but they did not really want to know him wishes in your search rgards cappy
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1st April 2016, 01:32 PM
Re: Alan George Dixon
Whilst I applaud the efforts and enthusiasm (always) of our various volunteer researchers, and whilst I appreciate the efforts of someone trying to trace their father, before this goes any further and more information is given to the seeker, then perhaps our researchers efforts may more prudently spent trying to contact Alan George Dixon (if still with us) and NOT his family and to see if he wishes to be contacted. Not all tracing of relatives or alleged real fathers have fairy tale endings and may cause rifts amongst an innocent family who may be unaware of someone's wanderings at a young age.
Just my view, but I would suggest proceed with caution.
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cappy thanked for this post
1st April 2016, 02:52 PM
Re: Alan George Dixon
Cappy, His birth isn't on Ancestry or a Marriage with the particulars given. my suspicions are he might have joined
underage with an assumed name or falsified his birth details, which is what my father did when he tried to join the army
at fifteen, his mother (my gran) found out and marched down to to the recruitment center and got him out, I have his
discharge papers for 2 days service, but not to be out done he joined the Sth Lancs at 17 under his brother-in-laws name,
this was 1908, ended up being captured at Mons and was a prisoner of war for 4 years and was discharged in 1920, only found out about
this as the number on his Mons Medal corresponded with his discharged papers. Have got to get to Kew to find out more. Fred.
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1st April 2016, 03:05 PM
Re: Alan George Dixon

Originally Posted by
Doc Vernon
this would appear to be him ..or am i wrong deceased
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1st April 2016, 04:51 PM
Re: Alan George Dixon
There's nothing on Ancestry to verify that info as far as I can see, Marian has had a go without success. F..
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cappy thanked for this post
25th April 2016, 09:52 AM
Re: Alan George Dixon
Dear Ivan, read the text below, which is the reason for my writing. I'm looking for 2 years and the forum might be a good agent.
Dear Orient line forum member,
Thank you for your response on my threat from 30 march. Its a long and dramatic story.
My name is Hanneke Bruinsma, and I am 58 years old. Two years ago I have heard from my mother that my biological father is a crew member of the s.s. Orion. She only remember his nickname!
He was part of the crew of the ship the s.s. Orion, part of the Orient line, sailing from Australia to the U.K in the year 1956. He was probably (bedroom-)steward or purser and he served at the first class of the ship. The day of departure from Hobart was 30 August 1956, the day of departure from Melbourne was 03 September 1956. He was about 22-25 years old then. My mother was one of the passengers. They arrived in Tilbury at 06 october 1956.
The first step for me was to try to get a copy of the crew list from the s.s. Orion. I have received the list from Maritime History Archive, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NL.
But there are hundreds of names at this crew list. Between 400-500. And only initials and the surnames are mentioned in the lists; not the first name or nickname.
So I made a selection on steward and purser. Then a selection of age. Between 20 and 25 years. Then there were 62 crewmembers. Hopefully there was the right person between.
Then I asked for the records of all 62 persons by The National Archive in London, including passport photos. I received the records. The pictures I showed my mother and, independently, a person who olso knew my father. Both they recognized Alan George Dixon as my father. And now I will find him!
Information I have about my biological father is the following.
Alan George Dixon
Born: 02-12-1932 in London
Nickname: Norman
So I need your help. I know it's a long time ago, but many travelers, passengers or crew members, are still alive.
And it is possible that he has also been a crew member on other Orient line ships before or after the period mentioned above. Perhaps on your ship during your trip! Olso it is possible that he was a crewmember by the P&O company.
My questions to you are:
• Do you have any information which can help me to find Alan George (Norman)?
• Are there other persons or companies you can advise me to send my questions to?
• Do you have photographs of that tour?
I am very anxious to find him, and to learn if he is still alive, and if I have other relatives.
I would be very thankful if you can help me on my “quest”. Thank you very much in advance!
Hanneke Bruinsma
Born 30 May 1957
Alan George Dixon-99-1-jpgAlan George Dixon-1278-99-1-jpgAlan George Dixon-1278-99-2-ret-jpg
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25th April 2016, 10:01 AM
Re: Alan George Dixon
a sad but quite common story ......i wish you luck.......cappy
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