Quote Originally Posted by James Curry View Post
Curious , mention british politics on site and Admin will pull the poster up or delete the thread.
So is it okay for those down under to toss politcs about but us up north the subject is taboo?
Just an observation.
Well James here yu go again , Jumping in and talking about the issue that we at Admin do not want! See your Posts #24 and #26 as well, may not be as detailed as others but still contains words that are not wanted!

Its not a case of anything to do with as you say the ones Down Under, and the others up North, i have just come on site and seen all these Posts!
Yes indeed NOT WANTED! .
Once again a thread has been dragged into the P Section, and thjis seems to be the pattern of anything to do with a Subject that points to anyone in Office!!
I am now closing this thread, and i ask you James in future NOT to keep pointing to things that must or must not be done on site by Moderators . I try my damndest to keep things on even keel, as said have no favourites on site at all, its a large site and many posts, i am far away and time differences make a big part in al the Editing reading etc.

So from now on as asked please just post what you have to, if you feel there is anything you do not like etc, PM me and we can try and sort things out!
Failing that James, and i do not want to have to, but will take steps to stop you posting on site!
This is not a threat ar anything nasty meant, but i am getting rather tired of you always seemingly trying to upset things here!
Thank You