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1st February 2025, 11:26 PM
Re: The nutters that run the USA
All I can say is ten years of Liberal Govt left this country in a mess, and as usual will take over a rising economy just in time to stuff it up again. It's up to the young ones to decide I have pulled my ladder up.
Lest We Forget
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2nd February 2025, 12:49 AM
Re: The nutters that run the USA
All I can say without malice or ill feeling and without libellous intent. Here I must quote the present labor govt.0ne of its present ministers partners was arrested for drug smuggling and received 3 year gaol sentence if had been arrested in Indonesia would probably have received the death penalty . The sentence never reached its full term . To add injury to this insult the same person was employed in a high active paying job in the civil service of the government. This was a story put out by the media at the time ,so whether true or false remains to be seen. But even if only half true shows the morals of any politician or political party.As well as the media for using such if untrue. JS
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2nd February 2025, 01:36 AM
Re: The nutters that run the USA
#30 I will give one small example of many of misreporting . At the Piper Alpha disaster in 1988, I read a report that the wheelhouse windows on the Silver Pit blew out. This is absolute garbage and where they got this info. From God only knows, it may still be on the internet if hasn’t been removed by now. In one of my statements I said without even thinking about it I was dodging off the wheel when using the engines and opening one of the windows to try and equalise the outside and inner pressures this was successful. That is the only conclusion that I can come to as how this dimwit came about such an inflamed story. There are many more so such untrue statements they came out with. There were only 3 vessels within reach of the structure that was myself the Maersk vessel and the Tharos , as far as I was aware the dozens of vessels there were all outside the normal prohibitive zone of 3 miles. Small craft were 3 only , one lost , one badly damaged, and the other returned to parent vessel after about an hour or so. If you want facts about any shattering event try and get it from the horses mouth and not it’s butt end. It’s butt end strongly looks like the media and any aspiring politician.,Cheers JS
Last edited by j.sabourn; 2nd February 2025 at 01:42 AM.
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3rd February 2025, 09:41 PM
Re: The nutters that run the USA
From Mark Twain (I think). "If you don't read the newspapers you are uninformed. If you read the newspapers you are misinformed."
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4th February 2025, 12:50 AM
Re: The nutters that run the USA
We have a young woman transport Minister here in NSW, [Labour} we have had a lot of trouble with the rail Unions wanting what the Govt has given everyone else [except the nurses } a pay rise, the Police 32%. she was scathing with the Rail unions, obviously not a Labour fan of unions. Well she has been caught with her pants down, two weekends ago she took a Govt car and picked up another woman MP and the toddled of around 150 miles to a winery for dinner, she was that stupid though no one would notice, after the vitriol she had spouted about the Rail Unions being greedy, she was caught with her pants down, of course she apologized and paid back the money involved, but then came the rest, she used Govt cars on the weekends to drive her daughters to sport from the North Coast to Sydney among other things, and there is now a stink bigger than any strike.
Lest We Forget
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4th February 2025, 10:29 AM
Re: The nutters that run the USA

Originally Posted by
Des Taff Jenkins
Well she has been caught with her pants down, and there is now a stink bigger than any strike.
Well tell her to pull her pants up!
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4th February 2025, 10:46 AM
Re: The nutters that run the USA
If you’re referring to her under garments Ivan, maybe she has none on ? Used to be men wore pants or trousers , women wore slacks. With the woke brigade which I don’t really understand what theyre on about who knows these days ? JS
Last edited by j.sabourn; 4th February 2025 at 10:50 AM.
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4th February 2025, 11:48 AM
Re: The nutters that run the USA
Des mate cannot find ten years for Libs.
But Pandemic stuffed up a lot of good work done by both sides, but down here in Vic we are totally stuffed care of Labor, state now officially bankrupt.
It will be 12 years when this lot here in Vic are gone.
Lot of talk about numbers Trump has exported, but according to records Obama deported over 2,000 illegals.
I see Mexico is to put almost 10,000 army personnel to the front in an effort to stop illegals and reduce drug import to USA, called for 25% tariff but got what he actually wanted. Canada will do similar.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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4th February 2025, 02:58 PM
Re: The nutters that run the USA
Curious , mention british politics on site and Admin will pull the poster up or delete the thread.
So is it okay for those down under to toss politcs about but us up north the subject is taboo?
Just an observation.
4th February 2025, 05:47 PM
Re: The nutters that run the USA

Originally Posted by
James Curry
Curious , mention british politics on site and Admin will pull the poster up or delete the thread.
So is it okay for those down under to toss politcs about but us up north the subject is taboo?
Just an observation.
Lets be charitable James, those who have no legal right to vote in an election can make as many remarks as they like, it will not make one iota of difference to any result here, lets face it we non American citizens make derogatory remarks about American (and other countries) politics, but it will not make not one iota of difference to the USA (or others) in how it conducts its/their business.
Now people who have the right to vote in the UK making remarks about British politics or current politicians is'political' and may cause them to be taboo
and there-in lies the difference IMHO
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