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16th August 2024, 06:08 AM
Returning thoughts
Well I came man to London town and all day long I looked around.
Lots of people allin a hurry, never seen such a flap and flurry, some
white people too….sothey said.
I though I heard avoice I knew, sounds like English through and through.
Turned around tohear a splutter, some old guy throwing up in the gutter.
I needed a drink andknew a bar, north of the town and not very far.
But when I got therethe place was bare, no pubs are left up there.
The locals gone andnew ones in, no drinkers now and that a sin.
The people now arenot the same, from somewhere else is such a shame.
Dressed all odd infunny clothes, black and white from head to toes.
The town of my birthis now no more, taken over by the score of folks
that Enoch warnedwould take the place and leave us all with a coloured face.
So I go back to myplace in the sun, where from suck folk I need not run,
but my heart is tornfrom the sights I saw, It ripped me to my very core.
So I dream of timeswhen life was good, in the country I still love.
But now not mine,and given time will be no more as we once saw.
Theer are major problems coming for the UK from my observations.
So many change seven in the last 12 months.
Gov and local councils are not doing the best for the country.
Crime is increasing with a number of murders in the short time we were there.
The extreme right wing are on the right path, slowly the country is being taken away from the true English man.
Went to a part of London we knew well, lived there for a number of years, in the last 12 months has moved even further into foreign concepts.
The area of Maida vale, not far from Lords cricket ground now resembles something like a third world region.
Many of the local pubs now gone, the locals do not drink.
'Hero of Maida' one of the largest pubs in the area now locked away, i suggest that at the current rate of expansion by certain religeous groups UK will be a dry state within the next 50 years.
Very sad sight in Southhampton, the good old JB now all boarded up.
Will post a photo when I sort out my camera.
Sign of the times I fear.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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16th August 2024, 06:42 AM
Re: Returning thoughts
Welcome back Cotter!! LOL
Sounds not too bright John, but then the Whole World is a changing as well as the damn Weather, we here in NSW having terrible Weather since you left, hoping that it will now soon all be over and get some nicer Sun for a change.
So sad to hear of the old JB, gosh i never knew about the closure, i wonder what happened, as the last time i heard it was still open ??
Yes although i have always had a soft spot for good old England , i guess with all the cahnges, life can never be the same as we once knew it!
Anyway mate, really glad to see you back, hope that Terri is AOK, as are you of course!
Senior Site Moderator-Member and Friend of this Website
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17th August 2024, 05:04 AM
Re: Returning thoughts
I hope that no on will forget the fact that that young Australian girl was stabbed by a Romanian. Apparently Britain must have done the sam thing as Aus. closed the asylums and let the nuts roam the streets, difference is out here the police shoot them.
Lest We Forget
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17th August 2024, 07:02 AM
Re: Returning thoughts
The three girls stabbed to death in Southport were according to the media murdered by an illegal.
When the real facts came out he was in fact born in Wales.
It was this that caused the riots around the nation.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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21st August 2024, 07:37 AM
Re: Returning thoughts
On travelling one often sees many odd sights.
Some bring a tear to the eye some are hilarious in nature.
In Heathrow airport there area number of very large advertising stands.
One I though very funny as it was for,
'Brazilian Bum, Bum Cream'
Had that been in the days of UCL I could understand, but what the hell is kit now?

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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22nd August 2024, 02:35 AM
Re: Returning thoughts
Might be to get people to sit down quicker when they get on the plane.
Lest We Forget
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