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2nd February 2024, 03:45 PM
Re: Lifeboat Efficiency Certificate
Always remember the date of my course as it was when John Lennon was shot - 8th December 1980. Held in a very cold Southampton.
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3rd February 2024, 05:14 AM
Re: Lifeboat Efficiency Certificate
They are James and when in port on every voyage some will be used as crew training with them in the water.
Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller
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3rd February 2024, 12:56 PM
Re: Lifeboat Efficiency Certificate
i remember getting my life boat ticket and my edh ticket at the same time in november 1957 i belteve it was in southamton docks in an establishment called hms wessex it took about 2 or 3 weeks we also had to sail and also row a life boat around the docks and in the river as well each one of us taking our turn at the tiller giving orders while under sail and also rowing i think most of us passed i still have my tickets also the stamps in my discharge book
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3rd February 2024, 11:38 PM
Re: Lifeboat Efficiency Certificate
They used to say an AB was an EDH with a lifeboat ticket , think there was a bit more to it than that though. In our younger days the world was our oyster, money never seemed to be at the centre of our worlds , and only raised its ugly head when we took on the responsibilities of wife and family. It seems things haven’t changed much and Joe Bloggs ashore is in the same straits as we all were even at sea in later life. JS
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4th February 2024, 04:25 PM
Re: Lifeboat Efficiency Certificate
I was in working in an engineering company in Newbury (cleanova Ltd ) a couple of months ago. it was an old established company which was called J J plenty, there is a model presented to them by the RNLI of a life boat . The model was of a life boat which was the first self righting boat ever made ,designed and built by J &J Plenty of Newbury I think in 18 something. Sadly the company have gone through several changes of ownership since then but hangs on in spite of this.
I will try and dig out a picture of the Model and more info and post
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6th February 2024, 12:56 AM
Re: Lifeboat Efficiency Certificate
#55 I often wonder if the idea of the self righting lifeboat was formented in someone’s mind by witnessing the Eskimo now called an Innuit doing a 360 degree roll in his kayak in the water. From such and with history came further unsinkable or what was titled as such the FRC of today . Today’s modern seamen has such as more important than lifeboat certificates as well as other courses on other subjects appertaining to SOLAS. E.G. when you have helicopters landing frequently on pads on all sorts and types of vessels you have to have a fireman suited up appropriately and with specialised foam on duty and in position , another trained as the landing officer, and a frc crew all ready to go in seconds. Helicopters departing all passengers and luggage to be weighed accurately , to make sure their carriage to liberty will reach the helipad ashore without running out of fuel. Today or when I left the industry anyone joining out of a time warp would not recognise the new regulations . As regards what they once had. JS .
Last edited by j.sabourn; 6th February 2024 at 01:11 AM.
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6th February 2024, 05:15 AM
Re: Lifeboat Efficiency Certificate
From observation I somehow doubt the 'life boats' on cruise ships would do a roll.
But as there are enough life rafts to go around it is not a problem.
Not sure how the life rafts would roll though, they look sound as they sit there in the holders, not sure when in use though.
Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller
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6th February 2024, 08:19 AM
Re: Lifeboat Efficiency Certificate
If you want to hang around until the ship sinks John , they should be inflated and awaiting your entrance that is if the hydrostatic releases are working correctly . Mind in the case of the ship being on fire the ropes attached to the release and the boat may be burnt before coming into action , so keep on practicing on how to swim .The last disaster I was at there were numerous life rafts floating in the water still in their hard shells and there was no one riding bronco style on them , I suggested they should have had hard wire hearts to the ropes , although too late for that particular bbq, heard no further on the subject all people in such situations the survivors of such want to keep a low profile so as to dodge any pointing fingers. JS
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