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7th April 2021, 04:10 PM
Weather Observations
Had the honour of receiving World Atlas in 1953 whilst second officer on SS. Gloucester City, The Master received a barograph .
The same man used to moan and groan if he found you in the Chartroom filling out the Weather Logbook !!!
Happy Days,
Dennis Williams.
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7th April 2021, 07:15 PM
Re: Weather Observations
I got one of those in the 60s after being on the British Advocate BP tanker. Den
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12th November 2024, 05:32 AM
Re: Weather Observations
There is a big meeting in somewhere called COP 29, all about "climate Change'.
On talk back radio today a professor from Melbourne Uni, he lectures in environmental studies.
The question he asked was this,
'Exactly what is climate change, we are told by 'scientists' that we are in the middle of it, the planet is warming up!!!
But exactly what do they mean, has any one fully described what they mean by this term?
What does it mean, or are they using the term to achieve something else that they are not prepared to be open about.
Is the planet warming and how do they measure this and by what means.
He concluded that we are all being lead down a path to suit certain people, not save the planet.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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12th November 2024, 06:20 AM
Re: Weather Observations
I agree with what he says John. There is no doubt there is and has always been climate change and will continue to do so until the lifespan of earth comes to an end. It was happening before life on earth commenced and continues to do so , it started at the evolution of the earths birth and never stops. It is the emphasis that is put on it today that troubles me. I agree with a clear atmosphere for health reasons which was brought into law by certain countries by making clean air acts, and this was in existence in the 50s in Australia , think we were fined in Cairns one time for emitting heavy funnel smoke in port. The panic today was brought into the limelight by a failed candidate for the Presidency of the USA and I put it down that he wanted a job to do after losing the election. JS
Alf Gore remember him ?
Last edited by j.sabourn; 12th November 2024 at 06:39 AM.
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12th November 2024, 09:49 PM
Re: Weather Observations
Much has been made of the recent floods in Spain caused by heavy rain. Our BBC went raptures on how climate change was the cause of the floods. What they failed to mention was, that thecause of the floods had occurred Iin1957, when there was no climate change.
Plans had been place to dam the valley higher up and thus hold back the water, the EU banned the construction of the dams.
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12th November 2024, 11:50 PM
Re: Weather Observations
Yesterday and last night we had a storm with heavy rain, the first rain in six months, Before it came I wasn't in despair for the world, but for my apple and pear trees. One mans rain is a savior, but another's man's flood.
Lest We Forget
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13th November 2024, 12:15 AM
Re: Weather Observations
A couple of years of drought in and around the mediterranean area and concentrated heavy rain fall landing on parched earth caused flash floods.
It rained solid for eight hours that was more rain that region had in the preceding 20 months for the Valencia area.
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13th November 2024, 01:50 AM
Re: Weather Observations
#6 There is a tendency for shore people to class a storm as either an electric storm or a rainstorm and forget the first descriptive word. I.e, electric or rain .To a seaman used to big wind and waves the prevailing cause of winds and seas causing such is of cause the wind measured on the Beaufort scale. A storm starts at Force 10 and goes up to 12 where described as a Tornado or such like. A Force 10 goes up to 55 knots , I have yet to see a 55 knot wind in a heavy downpour, maybe it does happen just that I have never seen ashore so maybe was asleep.Not that I want to see one. Cheers JS
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13th November 2024, 07:48 AM
Re: Weather Observations
.#1. Something amiss here Dennis, if as you say you were born in 1940 that makes you 13 when sailing as 2 mate ? Do you not mean 1930? Or are you one of the lucky ones whose age goes backwards after 50 . If not you should be in the Guinness Book of Records for even being at sea underage. Cheers JS
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