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22nd May 2020, 01:10 PM
Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
This weekend in Perth WA there is a WX/ forecast for Cyclonic conditions.
In the 29 years I have lived here I have never heard of such getting south of Geraldton.
So a recent post sent to me by an old member who thought it might be of interest to some of the members I have just read myself. The report comes via News.Com drew my attention as did previous discussions about the subject which had a long life at that time.
This title is Satellites and Spacecraft malfunction as Earhs magnetic Field mysteriously Weakens.
Generally watered down technical problems for are growing in its effect.
The earths magnetic field has lost 10% of its strength over the past 200 years . There is a large localised region of weakness from Africa to South America has rapidly shrunk over the past 50 years.
The article goes into more technical detail. There is much more in the story.
But again in general the earth is heading for a pole reversal .
This will take a couple of century’s during which period there would be multiple N and S magnetic poles around the Globe.
Such events have occurred many times throughout the planets history. We are long overdue ,they usually take place every 250,000 years. Because the magnetic field is weaker particles from the cosmos can penetrate to the altitude that low flying orbiting satellites fly at.
Much more to this which may seem droll to some will try and put the tag on which was sent to me for those who wish to know more and can look for themselves .
May or may not work.
http// -protects-us-from-solar -radiation-is -mysteriously- weakening-11992022
The old compass adjuster is usually right and this was brought up on this site long before the eggheads arrived at this theory.
Last edited by j.sabourn; 22nd May 2020 at 01:34 PM.
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22nd May 2020, 01:22 PM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
John, posted article about months ago, weakened magnetic allows dangers comic particles to enter earths atmosphere.
Some scientists believe magnetic poles will flip sometime soon.
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22nd May 2020, 01:43 PM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
Yes Vic, the article says that , at the time it was being discussed I put the emphasis on the compass adjuster reports as they are in layman terms , but under all the waffle and with his correcting magnets for the compass knew the poles were on the move as most proper seamen did also. Cheers JS
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22nd May 2020, 03:11 PM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
John, the last time I flew into Perth (about 2012) it was this time year, and the last hour to hour and a half of the flight was the absolute worst ever experienced. It was not turbulence, it was violence.The plane was pitched up, down shaken violently from side to side, I genuinely thought it would be wrecked in mid air.
To cap it all we landed in the middle of a severe thunder storm and everyone virtually staggered off.
My previous visit a couple of years before that, there was golfball size hailstones which shredded leaves and branches off trees and wrote off millions of dollars worth of cars, followed by torrential rain which flooded Perth knee deep in minutes, all this in the space of one car journey from the outskirts into the city centre.
All put down to cyclonic weather
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22nd May 2020, 04:08 PM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
That would of been a few hundred miles from the centre . In 2012 was sitting in Perth retired and didn’t consider anything out of the ordinary. This cyclone the. Centre is supposed to pass down the coast off Perth. I have just choppd off all my trees for a collection next month. I doubt they will be there then. A cyclone like a typhoon once seen never forgotten .jS
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23rd May 2020, 07:24 AM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
Avery interesting bit on SBS news the other night which sort of fits with this.
Bones have been found on animals here in Oz, a Kangaroo which stood some 4 meters tall, a Wombat that weighed up to one tonne.
All now extinct, but not as many though any over kill by Aborigines, rather by al of things Climate change!!
But the movement of the magnetic North Pole is well known by those who do compass adjustments and there has been a report that Canada will be the first country to feel the effects of any polar change.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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24th May 2020, 01:27 AM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
At the moment the cyclone is supposed to have its nearest approach later today , as long as it doesn’t decide to swing in on an easterly course at the wrong time .If I had 4 big outboards on the house and was 200 metres closer to the beach I would now be steaming NW to get behind the dangerous quadrant. This being tethered to the land has its disadvantages , when it does cross the land it will start to dissipate and bring much needed rain to the farmers, that doesn’t deter from the fact that the damage it can cause to coastal dwellers . I reckon tonight will be no TV as no electric , no telephones as work off the computer and will be sitting by candlelight , if there are no holes in the roof to put them out. Looking on the bright side if it continues travelling South it will be a bigger headache for others Every storm of moderate strength you always get power outages here in W.A. as trees down and cut power lines , they haven’t yet learned to put power underground. Have never agreed with putting out power supplies to private tender should stay under government control to hell with their profit margins. Good job the hospitals have private generators. Cheers JWS...
PS I will endeavour to clear the fridges out of any remaining bottles of beer before the electric goes off as have been acclimatised to the Australian way of drinking cold beer. And warm beer no longer appeals. JS
Last edited by j.sabourn; 24th May 2020 at 02:01 AM.
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24th May 2020, 05:40 AM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
Its been a few years now since the old Roaring Forties have produced the gales across the Australian Bight, they used to hit just South of Eden and the wind and rain would race up the South Coast, now any wind sweeps down towards Tassie or through the Bass Straits and across the Tasman, some goes up the Tasman to come in around Coffs Harbour. Where we live the Monaro used to be very productive, but over the last ten years seen more drought than ever. Today it is raining, I could throw down more water with a bucket, and it's been like that for around four years.
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24th May 2020, 05:58 AM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
That big one in the late 90s Des where they lost vessels in Sydney and Hobart yacht race , I was bringing a ship back From Sydney to Fremantle and against my better judgement under pressure from the company agreed to make a run for it. I knew the Harbour master at Eden so got on the VHF to him and asked if weather was too bad on the corner could I come in and drop an anchor in the Harbour, he said ok . Arriving that area decided to carry on, nothing ventured nothing gained , and that was not even a cyclone. The pilot leaving Sydney got off well before the Heads was too rough for his launch , just as a bit of info. It didn’t have pilots backwards as beleive one of Teds posts had. He would have been going backwards however. If he had dared come outside.cheers JS,
Last edited by j.sabourn; 24th May 2020 at 06:01 AM.
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24th May 2020, 11:39 AM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
Regarding the weather in W.A. although now a more clearer picture is emerging and is described as the storm of the decade , the word cyclone is not being emphasised as it was originally , whilst pleased, it just shows the instability of news reporting by certain sections of the media. Maybe they thought throwing in the word cyclone they think it will raise people’s sense of awareness it certainly does for me. Myself I would prefer to hear the correct information when it comes to weather reporting. They shouldn’t baby around with words they don’t know the true meaning of. Will still expect blackouts however as usually get in any storm. CheersJWS
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