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30th May 2020, 05:41 AM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
I loved Geelong when I was there loading wheat, a lovely town. But Victoria, if you have any more trouble with those Melbourniets how about suggesting Eden, straight line to Hobart, and lovely country to drive through.
Lest We Forget
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30th May 2020, 06:42 AM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
Victoria, you may well be correct about 2022, but according to sources here it will happen well before then.
But it is a Gov decision, so as they say, don't hold your breath.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

30th May 2020, 07:06 AM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
#36.. The Fisherman’s Club in Eden was well used when we fitted out there Des. JS.
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30th May 2020, 07:07 AM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
Couple of points, when piloting in Port Hedland in mid sixties, at about this time of year we would get extreme radio reception. Using the old Pye VHF we could have easy clear contact with Dampier, and would have to adjust channels if both ports were working at the same time so no confusion for the tug orders.
AS regards the moving of the poles, never thought to use this as an excuse when taking longer than usual. Imagine trying to convince a court of inquiry if there were problems after a compass compensation , you coud do a magnificent John Cleese act.
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31st May 2020, 05:13 AM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
Hi John.
They have built a big new wharf in Eden for the Cruise Liners, don't know if they have named it yet. Could be called Conavirus wharf.
Lest We Forget
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1st June 2020, 07:32 AM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
AS to the weather they had in Perth over the last week, we are not happy here in Melbourne.
We know the citizens of WA area friendly lot always willing to give a helping hand.
But they are now stretching that friendship as their rotten weather has landed here today.
Cold, wet and windy, had to find a knee length pair of shorts today and put on a jumper, not happy Jan!!!!!

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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