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24th May 2020, 12:19 PM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
Batten Down Lads, Make sure everything is Ship Shaped in Bristol Fashion. Terry
{terry scouse}
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25th May 2020, 02:19 AM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
HI John.
In Sydney we used to get well informed weather people on TV at the end of the news, now it is a pretty girl in a designer dress prancing up and down in front of the screen; they wouldn't know the Beaufort scale from a butchers scale, but no doubt they give people a nice sense of security that the weather is going to improve by the weekend so they can all go to the beach.
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25th May 2020, 04:48 AM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
#12... Des when a cyclone is mentioned my ears pricked up , old habits die hard. I had visions of the usual coming in from the North and travelling down the coast off the Pilbara before deciding to curve back to the east over the land. As said in a previous post have never seen them get further South than Geraldton . The seasons for cyclones is usually November to early March over this side. So again was out of tune. However it was not a cyclone as such. What we would call storm conditions 10 to possible 12. A cyclone is a TRS a tropical revolving storm and a bit more violent than Is being experienced here. The usual tin roofs off as is the norm. My tiled one is still intact touch wood . Worse things happen at sea. I gave up years ago on the media , but still watch hoping not to be too disappointed with the way they handle the truth. Many years ago before the age of satellites there was a system called Ocean Routing , we used it once for a crossing of the Pacific , used only that once it was a waste of money.
Cheers JS
Last edited by j.sabourn; 25th May 2020 at 04:54 AM.
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25th May 2020, 07:23 AM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
John, we saw some of it on the mid -day news today.
Not the beat time to be around such weather and much damage caused according to the reported.
But much to my surprise, but maybe not as it is in WA, there were some swimming in the sea and a couple attempting to use a sail board.
Must be something in the water over there. LOL

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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25th May 2020, 07:26 AM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
One of my trees in he front garden has succumbed. And the bloke next door just come in to tell me . Aj job for the chain saw it has been totally uprooted, and here I was congratulating myself . Best to keep quite and not tempt fate. JS
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25th May 2020, 07:30 AM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
Good luck with the saw John, put mine away now having cut some 9 meters over the last couple of weeks.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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25th May 2020, 08:25 AM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
#14... They call them sharks John. I had a long deep sea rod years ago and used to go off the beach waist deep to cast. Then. Learned how close in they would come, so gave up fishing. As for surf boarding can barely stand up straight on land never mind water. Cheers jS.
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26th May 2020, 01:05 AM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
Reported here as: 'Once-in-a-decade' storm lashes Western Australia as buildings are reduced to rubble and thousands of homes are left without power - while country's east coast is battered by 10m waves.
Wondered if someone can tell more of the alleged about 62,000 properties across Western Australia being left without power over the past two days - as the state's south bears the brunt of the remnants of ex-tropical cyclone Mangga. Enormous storm swells of five metres and wave heights of ten metres in New South Wales on Monday meanwhile - stretching from Byron Bay in the state's far north to Eden in the south - have been whipped up by a large low pressure system parked off the eastern coastline is correct, near correct, not true etc.
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26th May 2020, 02:11 AM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
Keith speaking for myself , this morning is nice and quite and at first inspection the house appears intact. I had a big pile of branches pruned off trees lying on the front lawn waiting for a council collection which to my amazement appears to be still there, mind my wife stacked it and intertwined all the branches , and putting heavy stuff on top . The wind still uprooted another tree in the same area though she would have done well battening down the old hatches with tarpaulins and locking bars. The media always show every blow we get as pictures of roofs off and make big headline news of anyone’s personal calamity , this is in their genes until they get another story to expound any earth shattering news . The next one on the brew is going back to those burned out in the last bush fires not too long back, and the earth shattering news that the federal government miscalculated on the good side on the hand outs, and the other side which includes various. Media outfits of a different political persuasion wanting a General enquiry how they can be 60 million or maybe billion to the good. Any story’s are better than no stories is always the slogan of the press and who’s gping to notice a little
refinement here and there. Yes the storm was bad for this part of the world, but the same happens daily in other parts of the world and nothing ever mentioned. Cheers JS
PS as mentioned before power outages are par for the course on the weakest of storms. They just chose a different area to us this time , no need to light up our candles this time. JS
Last edited by j.sabourn; 26th May 2020 at 02:41 AM.
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26th May 2020, 02:29 AM
Re: Perth W.A. / weather / climate/
Not on Perth but here too we have been having some early Winter Storms .
Many Beaches ravaged by the Huge Waves and keeping Bathers away,however the Surfers (Hardy Beggars) are out in Force and enjoying getting dumped! LOL
The Ferry Routes too are having a hard time ,and at times the Bay from Sydney to Manly loos more like the Ocean going through the old Bay of Biscay! LOL
The Ferries dont look too steady at times Geees!
But just another Australian way here ,as we get all sorts through the Years, and Boy have we all here had it these past Months . Also very cold now ,and still early days of Winter not officially yet started. 1st June marks the spot!
Yes Australia the Lucky Country , well most times that is. Cheers
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 28th May 2020 at 02:28 AM.
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