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16th January 2025, 09:47 AM
Re: Am I right or wrong
[QUOTE=happy daze john in oz;438144]So a peace agreement between Gaza and Israel comes into force and will last 6 weeks,
During this time hostages and prisoners of war will be exchanged.
Then what?
There will be nothing to stop Notayahoo from continuing his attack on Gaza, the hostages are home safe.[/QUOTE]
Unfortunately not ALL the hostages will be home safe, out of the 100 plus currently held, only 33 are being released during the six weeks ceasefire. You can bet your bottom dollar the cease fire will not last six weeks because some trigger happy Hamas will not be able to resist a target. IMHO
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17th January 2025, 12:43 AM
Re: Am I right or wrong
Of course during this announcement 40 Palestinians mainly women and children where killed by Israel and Biden bombs.
Last edited by Des Taff Jenkins; 17th January 2025 at 12:44 AM.
Lest We Forget
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17th January 2025, 05:05 AM
Re: Am I right or wrong
It sure looks good on paper, but in reality another story .
How may times over the years have we heard about peace for ever in Mid East.
Somehow I do not see this as any different from those of the past.
Will last until the next country terrorist brigade decide they want to change things...............again!!!!

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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18th January 2025, 12:31 AM
Re: Am I right or wrong
In 1947 Australia proposed in the UN a two State solution at the start of the Jewish return to the middle East, they are still waiting.
Lest We Forget
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18th January 2025, 03:47 AM
Re: Am I right or wrong
Des, the way things are they will still be waiting 100 from now.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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19th January 2025, 08:28 AM
Re: Am I right or wrong
Jew and Gentile can live harmoniously side by side , which there is ample proof of all over the world , it is only when the despots and religious hotheads come on the scene that that harmony is shattered. JS
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19th January 2025, 09:11 AM
Re: Am I right or wrong
All that will be achieved during the 6 weeks is
A, Israel will aim to get a new arms deal from the Trump administration.
B, HAMAS will get an arms delivery from their pals in the Gulf states
C, Israel will claim their forces have come under fire during the withdrawal,
D, Hostilities and away they go again.
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20th January 2025, 12:30 AM
Re: Am I right or wrong
Well there seems to be a hitch, Hamas wants to wait until the afternoon to deliver the hostages, my thoughts are they can't get them into position because of Israeli bombing, {They may even have killed some of those named, or blocked a tunnel entrance}I think that once all t hostages are free Israel will withdraw their troops but continue with the bombing . Pictures on our TV show extreme right wing Israeli's moving over into parts of Gaza to claim blocks of land.
Lest We Forget
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20th January 2025, 01:10 AM
Re: Am I right or wrong
I usually try and keep,my own council on the present war in the Middle East. But I will say in my opinion the general public who have no idea of the secret diplomacy going on behind locked doors are being gulled along by the media stories and politicians promoting themselves to being experts on the happenings of the day. To me as a layman and an ignorant one at that , the facts are Israel was attacked and responded which had every right to do , and the pictures on the media are the normal result of any such conflict. I would expect no less from an Australian PM under the same circumstances but have my doubts of the present one. Israel should only be satisfied when they have achieved safety for their own country and citizenship . JS
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20th January 2025, 05:54 AM
Re: Am I right or wrong
According to the latest news, after some administration delays 3 hostages were released by HAMAS in exchange for some 90 HAMAS fighters.
It will take a week or more for all to be returned.
The once again hostilities will recommence, about January 30 maybe.
Watch this space.!!!!!!

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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