I have published my latest monograph on “Wanted On Voyage”:



This revisits and considerably expands on an article I did on this… my favourite White Star liner… back in 1994 (good grief, that was 30 years ago!) in “The Titanic Commutator.”

LAURENTIC as my favourite proves my contrarian preferences when it comes to passenger vessels for there is no single White Star liner more underappreciated to the point of disdain or, tellingly, more inadequately researched and documented. Conceived during great upheaval for White Star and falling awkwardly between the IMM and Royal Mail ownership of the line, LAURENTIC seems to have been fated from the onset. But she was, I think, a simply splendid looking vessel with fascinating origins and a fulsome career.

So, here is the story of the last IMM-commissioned White Star liner and the last really classic H&W trans-Atlantic liner amidst the evolving era of “The Motor Ship Look.”

Peter Kohler

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