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19th February 2010, 07:59 PM
Irish Slaves.
I've always watched the BBC programme "Coast".For you that have never watched it is about a guy that travels right around the coast of England,Scotland and Wales telling you the history of the many places that he visit's.
A couple of weeks ago I just happend to come across this guy doing a version of coast from the West coast of Ireland.He was in a village and he told the story that some Scandanvian guy came to this village and rounded up the population,men,women and children and took them to North Africa and sold them as slaves.
I thought I'd like to see if I could find out about this on the internet and googled "Irish Slaves" Icould not believe what I came across!!! The Irish Slave Trade was in comparison with the African Slave Trade.
I wont go into detail and try and give figures but this is well worth a look at.Coming from Liverpool (The capital of Ireland) I'm surprised that I've never heard about this transgression.
Liverpool City Council have apologised to the "Black Community" of this City for our bad deeds,we have a "Black Slavery Museum"here at the Albert Dock ti's funny nothing has ever been mentioned about the "Irish Slaves" At one time the population of Antigua was 70% Irish slaves.
Definitely worth a look at just google "Irish Slaves"
19th February 2010, 09:03 PM
The Stolen Village
The Stolen Village
Baltimore and the Barbary pirates.
DES EKIN: The O’Brien Press
In June 1631 pirates from Algiers stormed ashore at the little village of Baltimore in West Cork. They captured almost all the villagers and bore them away to a life of slavery In North Africa.
Worth a look........ K.
Last edited by Keith at Tregenna; 20th February 2010 at 08:35 AM.
20th February 2010, 12:19 AM
irish slaves
there is a long history of slavery between north africa and southern britain, where whole villages were captured and transported to north and west africa.
white christian slaves were encouraged to convert to ***** and if they agreed they could prosper, If not they suffered extremes of hardship.
Very few escaped, or returned to their homeland.
This pre-dated trading in slaves between the americas and africa by white slavers
Last edited by Nils Dahl; 20th February 2010 at 12:41 AM.
20th February 2010, 08:54 AM
The Stolen Village
"The Sack of Baltimore was the most devastating invasion ever mounted by Islamist forces forces on Ireland or England. Des Ekin’s exhaustive research illuminates the political intrigues that sealed the captives fates and provides a vivid insight into life amid the souks and seraglios of old Algiers.
The prisoners were destined for a variety of fates – some would live out their days as galley slaves, while others would spend long years in the scented seclusion of the harem. Only two of them ever saw Ireland again".
DES EKIN: The O’Brien Press
20th February 2010, 09:37 AM
White Gold
I have read a book by Giles Milton, titled "White Gold" it tells the story of a young cornish lad, Thomas Pellow,
who was captured by barbary pirates.
This book tells about the lives that the captured were forced to endure,and how some turned turk (became ******s) so that they could escape the dreadful life that was forced upon them. This is a factual book about the lives of some 1 million white european christians who were held captive, backed up by documents held in England.
20th February 2010, 09:45 PM
Irish Slaves
Hi Keith,thanks for the info "The Sacking Of Baltimore" I didn't get the name of the village when I watched the T.V. show,since your posting I looked it up quite an interesting read.
Jim B.
20th February 2010, 11:09 PM
T.V. show
Missed the T.V. show, will look out for repeat.
The book review states: "A harrowing tale that sheds light on the little-known trade in white slaves .... a fascinating exploration of a foreign chapter of " British and European history"
Dare not qoute else from the book fearing copyright and add all thus far for both research and educationaL purpose as well as advertising the work of the author as a publication inkeeping with the topic of this forum.
Suggest well worth obtaining a copy for those interested or following further on line via this post or more via a google or similar search.
Hopefully, will catch up more myself via repeat TV, thanks for bringing up such an interesting topic.
Last edited by Keith at Tregenna; 20th February 2010 at 11:13 PM.
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