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21st October 2024, 03:56 AM
Scots, Irish, and any other nationality’s.
1. A Scotsman and his wife walked past a swanky restaurant.
“ Did you smell that delicious food?” . She asked. “ It smells absolutely incredible !”.
He thought “ What the hell…..I’ll treat her !”.
So they walked past it again.
2. Menu outside a pub.” 7 Course Irish Meal “. 6 Pints and a Potato.
The charm of Irish Pub Hospitality ……2 Irishmen went into a pub in Dublin and asked for 2 pints Guinness . The barman cleaning the tables said…..” Sorry, we don’t open for another hour “.
One of the men asked “ Mind if we wait ?”. “No” said the barman “ Would you like a pint while you’re waiting ?”.
3. Could be any nationality……I woke up this morning with a terrible hangover to the sound of my neighbour mowing his lawn. I was going to get up then I thought “ nah” he can mow round me.
When Iwas youngI was poor, but after years of hard work. I’m no longer young…JS
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21st October 2024, 06:18 AM
Re: Scots, Irish, and any other nationality’s.
Poor old Paddy, what would we do without him.
I see some 600 restaurants have closed in Ireland over the last 12 months.
Obviously the 6 pints was Ok but the spuds put them off.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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21st October 2024, 06:27 AM
Re: Scots, Irish, and any other nationality’s.
It’s one of the many think got from you John some time ago . JS
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21st October 2024, 10:23 AM
Re: Scots, Irish, and any other nationality’s.
Pubs are closing in the UK at an alarming rate. I do not drink a lot now but when Liverpool are playing I will stroll up to my local to watch the game 2 pints is my limit price varies on what you drink, Guinness or that Fosters rubbish Carlsberg £4.30 and Guinness £4.70
Get the bus to next village £2.10 for Doom Bar Bitter in the Dee Hotel , Wetherspoons cheap beer and crap food.
Currently in Bordeaux with my son and grand daughters.
Treated yesterday to a couple of pints yesterday and Liverpool V Chelsea live 2-1 win for Liverpool who stay top of the Primeir League
He drinks in an Irish Pub Casey's
At last I can get some great seafood instead of the rubbish available back home.
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21st October 2024, 11:49 PM
Re: Scots, Irish, and any other nationality’s.
#2.. Obviously 1 spud too many. !!! JS
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22nd October 2024, 06:22 AM
Re: Scots, Irish, and any other nationality’s.
One report suggests that by 2060 there could be as few as 1,000 pubs left in UK.
Price of beer, drink driving laws and cost of living pressure is put as the reason.
No mention of a change in population, many of whom do not drink.
I know looking around many parts of London some of the biggest pubs there were are now boarded up.
Southampton, hard to get a beer there now, in the main street, now mainly vehicle free, we only found two places.
One wine bar and the only pub of sorts the 'Slug and Lettuce'.
The good old JB now boarded up, and only a couple in the back streets
Here in Oz you need to go 'up country' to find a pub, in the towns and big cities all there are now are clubs with an occasional wine bar.
But beer sales are holding up according to latest figures.
I see to add insult to injury some beers are being watered down from 4% to 3.8% to cut the tax level.
Will save a bout 23 P per can. So far only some Dutch beer, but how long before others consider it?
It was tried here in Oz, but we did not like it so back to full strength.
Last edited by happy daze john in oz; 22nd October 2024 at 06:59 AM.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

22nd October 2024, 08:52 AM
Re: Scots, Irish, and any other nationality’s.

Originally Posted by
happy daze john in oz
no mention of a change in population, many of whom do not drink.
allegedly !!
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22nd October 2024, 11:12 AM
Re: Scots, Irish, and any other nationality’s.
Agree with allegedly.
Go into any town centre and you will see plenty on the toot after Friday prayers especially up around the Bradford, Rochdale areas.
Last edited by James Curry; 22nd October 2024 at 11:14 AM.
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23rd October 2024, 06:30 AM
Re: Scots, Irish, and any other nationality’s.
Ah yes the make believe followers of that man.
The area of London is in the northern suburbs where the mosques are in abundance.
But the mayor of London is one of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

23rd October 2024, 07:28 AM
Re: Scots, Irish, and any other nationality’s.
One of the reasons the Irish became followers JC.
Paddy read the slimsum book and then read the Gospels.When Paddy got to bit about turning water into wine he thought that sounds a better deal.
Under slimsums rules No beer & no wild wild women. Not even a bacon butty or a pigs trotter so sod that.
A lot of RC churches have a Socail club on the church grounds , handy that for a swift Guinness after mass
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