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15th November 2024, 12:10 AM
Things that happen
Des there is a lady in Oz who I believe attains 110 this or next month. she was interviewed on tv the other day and puts her longevity down to dinking a couple of beers every day from a young age.Emu bitter to be precise . My wife being a total teetotlar it gives me credence to my argument that my bodily functions only stopped whent the beer stopped , due to her incessant arguments I shouldn’t be drinking with all the tablets I take. I don’t think Emu put her up to saying such , so was a free advertisement for them. Cheers JS.
Last edited by j.sabourn; 15th November 2024 at 12:11 AM.
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15th November 2024, 12:23 AM
Re: Things that Happen
On my last visit to the Dr I couldn't have cared less if he had put me down but he gave me another pill to take he said for the heart, was so full of some B cough it could have been cyanide for all I could care. , I was in such a state last week that I went to the hearing place instead of the Drs, he got his Sec to ring up to see if I was OK I suspect he expected bad news, no such luck, wants to see me but he can wait until my next implant injection for my prostate in Dec. Up the RSL shortly for dinner and a small drinky.
As for that lady, god luck to her hope she keeps going for years. Lot of Emu's in WA so you should follow suit
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 15th November 2024 at 07:47 PM.
Lest We Forget
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15th November 2024, 12:53 AM
Re: Things that Happen
I went to see a specialist last year recommended by my doctor a heart specialist that is. Among the eighteen daily tablets I take he said “ do you not take aspirin “ I said no as assumed it was covered in the other tablets. He put me on an aspirin a day and off two other tablets were dicarded. For this grand gesture it cost me $150 dollars. Specialists, Doctors , and tablets , I have no great love for. Not too keen on surgeons either. Even more so when they have difficulty in communication . JS
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 15th November 2024 at 07:48 PM.
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15th November 2024, 05:05 AM
Re: Things that Happen
After my bowel bleed last year my PSA levels took off.
Doc could not understand why as my prostate was removed in2013.
So he put me on to a drug, two injections over a six month period.
My PSA is now back to normal.
But he did not tell me what i would experience.
The same symptoms as a female going through menopause.
Hot sweats anywhere from 6 to 18 in a day and sometimes as many as 3 in one hour.
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 15th November 2024 at 07:48 PM.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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15th November 2024, 05:16 AM
Re: Things that Happen
#1 There can’t be that many living today . The youngest if still capable must be at least 96. Good on him being able to still have memories and able to communicate them to others. Regards JS
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 15th November 2024 at 07:49 PM.
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15th November 2024, 05:29 AM
Re: Things that Happen
#9 A trip back with UCL would have done you the world of good John. Many there would have liked to be in your shoes maybe..You could have held talks on your feelings and listened to the ooos and aaaaaars .I often wonder how much a female president or PM going through the same , how it would effect world wide important decisions .JS.
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 15th November 2024 at 07:49 PM.
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16th November 2024, 01:17 AM
Re: Things that happen
Hi John S
I used to take a soluble aspirin tablet every morning until I told the Dr I had sultanas every morning on my cornies, he said stop the aspirin there is enough in the Sultanas, that was about six years ago.
Lest We Forget
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16th November 2024, 02:19 AM
Re: Things that happen
As long as they ain’t Sultans Des, she’ll be right mate. JS
- - - Updated - - -
As long as they ain’t Sultans Des, she’ll be right mate. JS
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16th November 2024, 04:44 AM
Re: Things that happen
was taking them for a couple of years until my GP said no more.
They can be dangerous if taken for too long, thins the blood too much.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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16th November 2024, 07:25 PM
Re: Things that happen
I have to keep my Blood thin at all times, and for the past some 12 Years or so, i have been on Solprin Tablets, a half every Morning.
These are not as strong as normal Asprin and are safe to use .
I also take various other Tabls Daily, some twice a day as well.
In all it adds up to quite a bundle like many others take here!
But at least it keeps the Ticker going, and all the nasty things away.
So as long as it works , which seems to be the case so far, i will continue till i Kaak It!!
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