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25th August 2008, 01:36 PM
headline belfast 1959 til 1967
This is brian kernaghan, known as the mouse in those days, served my time in the head line 59 to end 63. most of the then fleet as apprentice and 3rd/
2nd mate.left the head line sometime after the big strike in 1966 ? Worked on the following.........Ramore, Torr, Carrigan, Fair, Rathlin, Roonagh, Fanad, Ballygally. Does this stir any memories out there ?? BK
25th August 2008, 10:50 PM
ref post#1
Hello Brian K,
Just a warm welcome to the site,hope your stay is long and you find some good friends here!
A good bunch on site, be they at times a little mad haha! 
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 6th December 2009 at 08:21 PM.
Senior Site Moderator-Member and Friend of this Website
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1st September 2008, 11:17 AM
Hello David,
I sailed with John Auld on several ships. Was on the Roonagh as 3rd mate, John was 2nd mate and his cousin Harry (bambi) Thompson was mate, The old man was "Mac" Hamill. John was always helluva hard to get up for his 12 to 4 watch !! I guess that this was ´64/65. BK
19th October 2008, 01:16 PM
Tilly R783874
Brian was interested to hear about your experiences with Head Line. During that time in the 1960"s I knew two brothers that worked for Head Line. One was Billy Gardener who I am sure worked on the Roonagh Head and his brother was called Cameron or Campbell Gardener. They were both Mates and lived in Bangor Co. Down. Would love to know what happened to them. Regards Tilly
19th October 2008, 03:44 PM
ref post#4
hi tilly,
where have you been,i have missed you.
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 6th December 2009 at 08:22 PM.
Gallery Manager and Friend of the Website
R 693816
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19th November 2008, 02:58 PM
head line reminiscences
Yes , Billy gardiner was an apprentice during my time , probably on the Roonagh , I do remember him , but not his brother. Maybe youll jog a few others ito filling in the blanks ?? You could try looking on ship nostalgia .com..... under historic shipping lines.
best regards , Brian K
26th November 2008, 01:47 PM
Thanks Brian. Will try the other website. Thanks Tilly
1st January 2009, 12:29 AM
hi brian,
it's been a long time since we've crossed paths and we sailed to-gether, my name is not patricia, thats the wife's email address. you may remember I was in top bunk, Eric White and Desi were in other cabbin and Mr Harris had us polishing the brass up the funnel if we did'nt conform, especially when a gale was blowing or going through an ice field. I now live in Australia with wife pat and have four sons, two grand daughters and three grand sons. it's good to see that you are still around Brian, I wonder if the rest are still out there somewhere.
Your ex. cabbin mate,
9th January 2009, 08:18 PM
Hi Brian
You wanted to know if anyone rembered Billy Gardiner formally with Head Line,if it is the same person he sailed with me as 2nd Mate on the Alfred Everard around 69/70.Billy was always interested in flying and came ashore and eventually worked as a pilot on an airline out of Dublin where he was married and living for a good number of years.
We became the best of mates so much so he was best man at my wedding in 74.We have lost contact over the years but I would like to meet again and talk over some great old times.If I can be of any further help and we are talking about the same man please give me ashout,
10th January 2009, 05:17 AM
G'day Patricia, and welcome to the site, a wonderful one it is as well. You have been lucky in finding someone so soon, no doubt in time others may appear. In the meantime grab a cold one, sit back and enjoy the voiyage. we all do.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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